is this a game? ??? i cheat only sometimes. like on GTA Chinatown wars, for fun. I like being able to have a hailstorm of shotgun pellets to shoot at the in-game AIs. Playing without cheats makes you become a better game. Even at the "hard" parts.
Depends on the game... I only use cheats on the 2 DS SRW after I've beaten them 30% EN Regen on all units FTW!
I like playing adventure point and click games. I'm not very good at collecting items and then figuring out what to do with them, or I get lost, so I always use a walkthrough. Is that considered cheating?
Actualy I cheat in games, but nothin' to take advantage to beat the game, just cheat after finishin' or when in free roam mode, like in gta series. And mosts cheats I do are just for changin' weather in gta and stuff like that. What I really do is translatin' games to portuguese, makin' cleo mods... To make little movies, or just for fun, like simulating a zombie outbreak.
Why didn't you put a "never" vote in there? It's so much more rewarding to beat a game by yourself without any help. NES games were so difficult... Games today don't need cheats.
NES games could be downright brutal. Twas the only time, once you beat the 8-bit carts, you actually felt like you accomplished something. That was when Mike Tyson knocked you straight out, and before he ate ears for lunch I used to play Phantasy Star Online; the cheaters(hackers) took over, and there was no reason to level my HuCast up anymore. Do it the old, right way, legit. Prove yourself through skill, no cheats necessary(NCN).