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Time Paradox: can we change the past present or future

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DMpunk, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. DMpunk

    DMpunk Member

    just say time travel were possible, could we change the past present or future.

    i believe that the past can not be changed but the future can. there is a theory that the present and past can not be changed because in the present u are already feeling the effects of the past.

    example, The present is directly affected by the past so if i went back in time and destroyed humanity, then in the present i would be dead and not able to go back and destroy humanity. so its by this logic that i say u can NOT change the past or present.

    however, the past is to the present what the present is to the future, so does that mean we cant change the future as well?? confusing stuff.... ???
  2. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Well, since I have no real life :( I've took all my time to think this out thanks to Chrono Trigger. And I've come up with the theory that if you believe in time travel, it'd make sense to believe in Fate, you know every move you make already decided.
    Okay think of time in a three deminsional sense. You've got the past present and future happening all at once (weird I know) so if your past self say decides to check his e-mail, your present self would be setting in front of your computer waiting on it to load. So, in the same sense say your future self did something, your present self would automatically have to do that exact same thing. So this automatically makes the past and future endless, so every second of your life is recorded in the time space continueim, making an infaninant string of time. So next time you do something, just make sure you'd want to do it again, cause thoretically you'd have to. Now remember this is just a theory, and it's the only one I could come up with that made sense. I'm not asking you to believe it, just not to shoot it down immediatly, cause no matter how much any of you have thought of this, no one could possibly come up with a hundred percent completely correct answer. I'm pretty sure I'm wrong my self.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    being able to change it is one thing, being a good idea to is another. the future is influenced by the past. If someone went back and killed hitler before he murdered all those jews, it would be a bad thing. purely because the death of 6 million jews was necessary to show the world what humans are capable of. if they had not been murdered, the lessons would not have been learned, and it could have been 60 million in the future.
  4. warriorblade

    warriorblade Well-Known Member

    if some person goes to the past and changes some thing it can cause disastrous events in the future if the event that was changed was important to history
  5. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Yes basically, the grandfather Paradox. we all know it, kill your grandfather but you can't cause then you'd never have existed, blah blah blah, But is any thing really important to history. Say, an entire warship went back to the day of Pearl harbor, and stopped it thus the U.S. never went into WWII, and, my pre-WWII research is a little rusty but europe was doing pretty badly wasn't it? But anyway, then they went back to the present. Okay, the world is very possibly ruled by Hitler or one of his offspring. Okay, then it couldn't be considered disasterous, by anyone except you, cause they've lived through that all their lives. The present is also affected by the past obviosly.
  6. DMpunk

    DMpunk Member

    if you killed your grandfather in the past you would never have been alive so you could have never killed him, that is why i say that you cant change the past. the present is the effects of the past, so if you are alive, then all your descendants did not die before having a child
  7. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Why must we all assume that someone has to die if we travel back in time?

    anyway, one thing people assume about time travel is that THEIR present is THE present, if you go back to our past you will end up in a present (if your making sence of this then congrats), changing that present will not necessarily change YOUR present because that present has the possibility of being in another plane/dimension/whatever you wanna call it.

    I personally believe however that there is no way to travel time.

    "I like to wait, and see how things turn out, (if you apply some pressure)"
  8. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    time travel could cause disturbance to space and produce black holes right?
  9. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    I think i saw that theory exercised in the disney movie "Minute Men".

    -Time paradox...I thought of that when i saw that tv series titled the big bang theory. It really is a great wonder that if you go back in time and stopped yourself from doing something then you would ultimately stop yourself from stopping yourself because the you stopping yourself would no longer exist thus making the action "stopping" non-existing. Would the same apply if you ask someone else to do the stopping for you?
  10. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Well, to my knowledge of that mad mess you just posted, no, but it makes a lotta sense. But let's put this into a theartrical sense:

    you go and stop yourself from doing whatever it is your doing. Okay, then you'd have no reason to do it. So then after the stopping of yourself, What? Do you just go from one era to another. to me that seems doubtful, no to my reasoning you'd of your own free will, jump into the time machine and press the button 2009 and be back here within the blink of an eye. And then your past self would very likely have to do the same thing. Because your present self did and you past self would stop you past-past self from doing the action and blah blah blah, ect. but that's when you apply my theory. Then again I'm not a scientist, but then again, scientist have basically been doing what we're doing to try and figure this out.
  11. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member


    hehe, what if you went back in time to stop yourself building/using the time machine :p
  12. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    well, umm, that's intresting. Let me answer your question with another. Why?
  13. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    My theory on Time Machines are that they are not for the purpose of Time Travel, mostly Time Machines are machines that let you feel, see, and hear the past. Its like just a machine-operated history book.

    Also, viewing the future is not possible in my theory, because if you can see the future, that can change the present and the future that you viewed using the time machine will seize and becomes the present.
    If that were to happen, there will be a time loop and the present will be very wacky and chaotic.
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Everyone seems to be assuming that there is only one timeline. So if I go back in time and kill my father, would I ever exist blah blah blah, if time travel were possible, I'm pretty sure you'd be hopping along timelines. This means, if you went back, killed your grandfather, you'd either go back to your present, and in that present's past, you're grandfather was never killed by his time-travelling grandchild and nothing would've changed or you'd go back to the present where you had killed your grandfather and you'd never have existed, there would be no place for you in that present as you had never been born in that present's past.

    Whew, I hope that made sense to someone!
  15. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    That makes a whole lotta sense. Like we've said, the future is a variable (unless you go with my theory and everything's controlled by fate)

    That made sense to me... I'm pretty sure it did anyway. So your saying that kill your grandfather, go back to your own time and it'd be like you'd never existed, either no one notices you or it's like anything you've ever accomplished is erased from the annuals of time. OR you go back to a diffrent thread of time and get acquainted with things there. Huh, kinda like a parallel dimension right?
  16. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    what if you get killed in that past? what would happen to you in the present?
  17. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    someone should become a democrat. lol. Time for change. lol

    All the changing always happens in the present. You learn from the past and apply what you have learned, in the present and see the the changes you have made, for a better future.
  18. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    If you were killed in the past, you would cease to exist in the timeline you came from after you went back in time.
  19. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    hm... I'm confused, so are you saying, if time travel does exist... there "should" be countless person in my timeline but due to their action which killed them in the travel thru the past, they sieze to exist in my timeline? so, in the first place, their is an endless time loop, you exist, then seize to exist, then exist again in a new time loop, then seize to exist... hahahaha

    I think now is the time that time dimension comes into action. lol. honestly, i dont believe in other dimensions, or not yet until those Theoretical Scientist can prove it.
  20. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    what was that story where the royal family of this kingdom was foreseen to be ruined by their own son. So what they did was have it killed. Fortunately the person that was asked to kill it just abandoned it and when it grew up he returned to his kingdom and help it get rid of a sphinx that was asking riddles "What walks in four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night". Then heĀ  married his mother and from there bore a few kids. After finding out that he married his own mother, he gauge out his own eyes.

    so anyway, from knowing the future instead of breaking it they were able to enforce it. What are your thoughts about this?


    I just remembered, it was Oedipus Rex