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Time Crisis 4

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by geewss58685, May 6, 2010.

  1. geewss58685

    geewss58685 New Member

    I don't know where this belongs, but I figure General Discussion would work.

    I was recently at the arcade, playing Time Crisis 4, foot pedal, gun and all. It really reminded me how fun it was (and expensive!) to play that game. I know they make the game for PS3 (and I'm sure the experience is just NOT the same, without the pedal and all), maybe for contractual reasons, but why can't they make it for the wii? It seems so logical-ish. Step pedal can be used with the wiiboard, and obviously the wii already has the sensors to shoot at the screen. This experience would be much closer to the arcade than the ps3 will unless they create some sort of step-pedal experience.

    I wonder if this has been made into a post before, but because I've recently played Time Crisis again, it makes me really want them to make one for the wii!! it just makes logical sense! (to me lol)

    I want to see what other people think.... =)

    (Oh, and if the moderators feel this message goes elsewhere, feel free to move it =) )
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Namco prefers to keep the series on sony I guess...if anything it could be ported to the 360, the game needs alot to run you know and the wii can't keep up.

    Here is what I suggest for shooters on wii.

    -House of the dead 2+3 return
    -House of the dead overkill (this game has the most use of F*** in the guniess book of records for a video game :p )
    -Resident evil umbrella chronicles
    -Resident evil darkside chronicles
    -Ghost squad <closest thing on wii to time crisis

    I have all but the later, good games...

    Or grab a ps2, mod it and play the older games which you can download from other sites (but d-pad would have to be used without a ps2 gun-and flat screen tv's don't allow them to work :( )
  3. geewss58685

    geewss58685 New Member

    Lol! Thanks =)

    I already have all of those that you've listed, played them millions of times and still enjoy em. =) The only one I don't have is Ghost Squad--I heard that it's quite close to the Time Crisis series, but it's really really short--that's why I didn't buy it. What do you think of Ghost Squad?

    My boyfriend and I get very competitive on the resident evil series, because it requires accuracy (shooting them in the head to get the kill instead of shooting them 5 times in the body), and House of the Dead Overkill is fun just for easy shooting, and the plot is funny! I love how they curse--hilarious. =)

    You do make a good point that the Wii won't be able to keep up--hardware-wise, I didn't think about that, and quite disappointed. I don't really care for the ps3 version just because there's no step-pedal, if I wanted to do that, I'll just easily play my shooter games on the wii that you listed. =)

    Anyway, I want to hear what you (and others) think about ghost squad, especially now that it's cheaper, I will consider buying it. =)
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I wasn't even aware there was a time crisis 4, the last one i saw was 3, although our arcade in the mall is so shitty, it has older crap like Soul Edge and that early DDR type games, forgot what it was called. I wanted them to get Soul Calibur 2, love that game. It also has some crappy Jumping game and a game about a show i despise, Deal or No Deal.

    I had fun with Time Crisis 2, which they don't have. The old arcade had TC2 and SC 2, then they went out of the mall and the new crappy one went in.