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Thoughts about what the NDS COULD be.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Paperbag51, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Alright so I've been thinking .. just what developers could do with the DS.

    1) Bigger cartridges - MMOS (i know maple story is coming out .. but seriously lets see some cool shit.)
    a) with a bigger cart. they could fit a way bigger better game on it. they could also find a way for download support. take an mmo for example. (i know mmos on a handheld isn't always the best idea seeing that wifi can get pretty hot after long use but hang in there) they could get like a 2gb cart. make a fat 1 gb game. and then keep adding new npcs weapons quests... they got another gb to work with there. they could easily provide updates and stuff and have it save to the cart jus tlike any other game save.

    potential is really big just wondering if anyone would take it that far ? i personally would love to see it.
  2. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I like the way the games current are - small, compact and quick to download.
  3. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Very true but when it comes to a game that big, i don't know if a sd card would work( for updates and what not, yes it would work as a very small hard drive but with a download feature im sure they would put some kinda security in there to be able to detect what game your using .... cart vs sd cards. I think it would have to be an individual rom, you'd have to buy the game. of course you could put it in its own folder etc. etc. but who knows.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    major problem there is rom chips get expensive in larger capacities, and also SD cards etc wear out.
  5. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Well what the difference between a rom chip and a sd card ?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    SD cards are flash memory, ROM chips are WORM (write-once read-many) devices
  7. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    So with a standard rom chip there would be no way to update a game. so they would need to research/manufacture a new type of cart. ... Well still the game save idea might work but then there is prices still ... man .. but hey i would pay 60$ for a good mmo if they were serious about it though.
  8. JloveE

    JloveE New Member

    i think thats true...

    most rom dumps being realsed now r how u say...lame?

    stuff with animals and maths and what not?

    feels like nintendo is just licenceing whoever can pay the fees... @.@

    ._. cant wait for zelda...

    well, look @ resident evil, basically, a full port of the psx original yeh? and and! 128mb rom dump..

    why dont developers instead of flushing down perfectly good money on anotehr HORSEZ/CATZ/NOOBZ simulator, why dont they port a classic from n64/psx?

    ._. i dono eh. just a thought.

    bit off topic too. my bad ._.''
  9. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Psx would be alright but not N64 because of the analog stick ... movement wouldn't be nearly as fluid. but i would love to see more psx games on the ds.... actually the stylus could control movement through a 3d environment ... LOZ OoT neone ? someone make a home brew :p

    P.s. Seph sorry for posting in the wrong area :p didn't know it was out of place.