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this will be one reason why natal will be crappy.

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest


    "The notion of offloading the processing to the 360 CPU in the name of lower costs and easier upgradability makes sense..."

    since when did microsoft care?
    you had xbox, and xbox 360 where the company lost a huge amount of money and people had the hardware issue. both of which something microsoft have careless about. so how will this be any different. the answer, natal is something microsoft can't deliver on and this is one of their fallout plan. natal will be released quietly and it'll not function accordingly. microsoft will say that it's because they didn't have this chip. but in reality, it is because they could never have delivered what they promised.


    i like this comment by the writer,
    "...This product... will see you," Greenberg said. "It will hear you. It will work." But with what kind of games? That remains an unanswered question..."

    natal will be used to bring onboard casual gamers. natal was to make casual games and hope that retard gamers will go and buy their system over the wii. there was no intention of having full 360 games in support of this thing. ask your 360 gamers around the boad here if they are willing to compromise to use this thing over their dual analog controller as a control interface.
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Still better than the Wii and PS3.


    But hey, do we need all these new control systems? What the 360 needs is mouse and keyboard.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    PS3 has mouse and keyboard.

    Dreamcast had a keyboard, SNES had a mouse (and I think PSX did, but not sure)
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Yes. The PSX did indeed have a mouse, though it controlled more like a squirrel.
  5. namklaw7

    namklaw7 Well-Known Member

    The only thing that bothers me is that 360s red ring without any extra hardware attached. Natal's needed processing power for what they promise is going to increase the likely hood of over heating and general hardware failure. But you CAN play games with natal and a control. Nothing says you can't.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wii can cause keyboards :)

    And that is personal opinion.

    But...I guess using a mouse and keyboard doesn't appeal to everyone, many people prefer it plain and simple-and at times I prefer a gamepad because I don't have to force my hands into a position to hit the required keys.

    My time in quake 4 with a mouse and keyboard was terrible-I avoid switching weapons and jumping because of the controls-thus I was working bare bones, only games I did go fine with were doom 1 and 2, plus duke nukem 3-d.

    Call me dumb...but I'm not the only one who prefers simplictic controls, that you can't deny.

    That sounds painful-one of my mates 360's Red ringed :(

    I'd hate to see this happen.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    W = move forwards
    S = move back
    A = strafe left
    D = strafe right
    spacebar = jump

    fire = left mouse button
    alt fire = right mouse button
    switch weapon = mouse wheel
    reload (optional) = mouse button under thumb

    whats the problem?
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    1.My terrible memory often means I forget which key does what-even in resident evil 5 I forget which reloads on a 360 gamepad because I'm not used to the layout :(

    2.Even if I get it right, in a frantic fire fight my hands tend to hit the surrounding keys, thus another life wasted trying to switch guns

    3.Remember I'n using a laptop keyboard, which I have a harder time navigating with than a regular one, and most of the time I couldn't be bother'd trying to locate the mouse I could have used.

    4.I'm kinda thick...and to be honest I get lost on the wii remote at times when using all the buttons, the only controllers which i can use on sheer impules are the old NES,SNES, n64 and gamecube.

    I can use a sony one...but only if 2 buttons are primary, the rest purly optional ie view switching.

    Yup...even pressing the select button mid race in gran turismo psp causes problems-especially if I turn the screen off somehow mid-race :(
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    your fingers rest on the keys: (assuming you are right handed)

    W = left middle finger (S is also operated by this finger)
    D = left index finger
    A = left ring finger
    spacebar = left thumb

    right hand on mouse, index finger on fire button (left mouse button), middle finger on alt fire button (right mouse button) index finger operates wheel to switch weapons and thumb is on reload button (if your mouse has one).
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...well here comes another excuse :(

    My hand cramps easily in that position...so during a round where I just spent time getting my hand right my hands had cramped up when I did get my hand right.

    ...My mouse also lacks the "reload" button since it was a cheap wireless one, I could live without it though.

    I gave up on the game when key 2 joy programs lacked the responce time I need (because I have a poor reaction time to threat and what action to take).

    I do appriciate the effort to help, and will keep this in mind if I get something other than a laptop keyboard to play with (the wsad key's are in an odd shape for me...I'd prefer to use the arrow keys but being right handed restricts me :( )
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I suggest you consider a logitech mx518. Not wireless, but awesome for gaming
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I have the same mouse, it's a good standard mouse for gaming, wireless mice suck.
  13. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Not to be a repeater, but I have the MX518 as well. I had a Microsoft wireless before that, and it was a pain. The battery door kept popping open, in any FPS, it would act haywire and my cursor sensitivity went out the window. It's a solid mouse, that I paid thirty five dollars for, and to top it off, it doesn't feel shoddily made, as some of the other ones tend to feel.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have a G7 wireless gaming mouse, its great, but they're no longer made and the replacement, the G9, is nowhere near as comfortable to hold for long periods. The MX518 is the closest there is to a G7 that is still available (its basically a wired G7)
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yeah, the mouse is extremely comfortable and smooth.
  16. ybom

    ybom Well-Known Member

    I have the original IntelliMouse. I just feel comfortable with it, even though some batches are bad, like my original one which got slammed against the wall. I picked it because I went to best buy and compared the overall feel and function. I really like the layout of the far left and right buttons.