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This sucks....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hello, for those wondering why I'm not posting as often as normal(ie-ALOT) my parents have banned me from my on net for a month.

    (And this is why staying with controlling parents is a bad thing-it was my birthday a few days prior!)

    See, I could explain how I got into this (and some might agree with why, I basically snubbed my family though i have reasons why I couldn't pause...) but nah.

    Anyway, because of this (and I am NOT going back to wireless broadband) I shan't be here...as often.

    Now your all thinking that this might be a good thing for a game addict, thing is I can still game offline, all consoles still run...it actually backfired, cause now MY ENTIRE FUCKING SOCIAL LIFE is cut, see while I have a mobile no one calls, and while I have some friends who do call...I'm not interested going to their house to talk shit or drink/smoke like they do, I prefer going onto msn and talking to the contacts I made here and many many other sites.

    I refuse to change my ways, and it's possible I might not get my net back even after a month, so until I move out or GO ON A RAMPAGE AND KILL then my net will be limited, as I type I'm at a kiosk in a shopping centre...

    For those who care you'll be missed, for those I respect I'll miss you a hell of alot (more thanc my parents-I'M FUCKING 23 AND I STILL COP THIS SHIT!) ...

    hYpNoS aka "masterDS64", mDS64, "fAzE" of anime forums.

    Time is up...see ya
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Goodbye... Hope everyone goes well for you.
  3. paulthegreen

    paulthegreen Well-Known Member

    See ya hYpNoS, thanks for everything you have done to help.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Happy birthday for a few days ago, i was on holiday so didn't get to say it.
    hope your back soon mate
  5. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Well, bye hYpNoS, mds64.
  6. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    hahaha... you're an adult, yet your parents treat you like a child. that must really suck.
  7. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    Please move out.
    For the sake of all adults.
  8. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    That really can suck. My pop sold my gamecube and SNES really cheap behind my back and used the cash to buy some school books. But I'm still a teen, anyway, and that was a long while ago.

    But you know what sucks more? Getting a new house, moving everything over, then realizing you'll probably be paying for it for the next 5-15 years of your life.

    I'm not saying your parents were right to ban you from the net, but, if you "snubbed your family" (which could mean being rude during a family reunion or just flippin mom and pop the bird) They WOULD react. You gotta remember, parents are from a different time period than you. They don't know what's cool and what's actually important to you. They just see something you like, and steal it as punishment.

    At least from my experiences.

    And ha, you must live in a country town too. All they do here is talk about jesus and drink beer.
    Yes, even the teens. I'm probly the only tech nerd in my entire county.


    Seeya hypnos. We'll miss ya and hope everything works out.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Hey hYpNoS you didn't explain the reason why they banned your internet access.

    Also, I kinda agree with you on the "I'm already 23" bit. You see even though you might still be living with your parents, despite the fact that you're practically a grown man now, they should already "practically" let you do whatever you want. The "this is my house & you'll do whatever I tell you to" rule only works if you're still underage. It especially doesn't apply if you take home your own slice of bacon, or if you have a job for those who do not get the expression.
  10. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness, no. I have to say mister Hypnos is not the only one who has to go through that on this forum. Out of five and being the youngest... those rules still apply even though all my siblings have jobs and actually provide their own food and food for the family.
    Russian parent. ::)

    - - - -

    Well, it's nice to hear you haven't gone crazy yet, mister Hypnos. I lost my bet...

    Toodle loo for a month and stay in good health. You'll be missed until then. Good luck going through every online gamers and internet addicts nightmare.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Yes, listen to this wise man.
    Leech off your parents until you want to get married, seriously, bills suck! I know what i would do if i could go back in time.
    Just think you have to pay- rent/mortgage, life insurance if you have a mortgage, council tax, water, gas, electric, home insurance, tv licence, car, car insurance, car MOT, car tax, car fuel, clothes and shoes, food and other shopping items. gym fees if you go? satellite tv if you want it?
    Then of course you will want new games and consoles and to have a social life too, which wont be happening unless you get a good job that pays well.
    Theres the cost of buying everything for your new place, how much do you think to kit a full house out? 5k+ i reckon.
    And dont underestimate the gardening, damn i fucking hate gardening....

    edited to add in - phone, internet, mobile phone...
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Jesus the nerd is heavy in here. I moved out at 20 and I would have moved out sooner if I could. Yay for being independent.
  13. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Seph, What's your Address. I want to burn down your house.

    My mom expects me to get a job next year and support myself. That's alright, but if the only palces I can work at give me only a 100$ a month, how am I supposed to do that? Food, Phone bills, Travels...
  14. Ms_Bunny

    Ms_Bunny Member

    LOL Agreed. I moved out when I was 17 and am glad of it! I love my mother, but we get along MUCH better when we have our own space. Plus, it's a lot easier to be treated like an adult when you behave like one.
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'm just working towards getting a piece of paper so that I can actually get a decent job before I move out myself. I will make damn sure I move into an apartment or something of that nature so that I don't have to do any fucking yard work though.

    I don't really hate most things but cutting grass is the most fucking annoying thing I've ever done in all my years. I'd rather clean bathrooms I hate it that much. =/

    I also imagine I'll get along with my parents a fair bit more when they're not breathing down my neck at every opportunity.
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Be glad your country actually has yards.
  17. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Good lord man! I was out of the house at 18 it sucked for a bit as I had a huge reality check and near snapped over it , but you eventually learn what you can get by with and what you can't and it's a great learning experience but it's not easy by a long shot.
  18. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I more or less got cut off at 18, put myself through college and now am looking for some proper work. Man up! ;)
  19. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I also had to leave before my time through family issues but its hard going, if you can get along with your parents stick around until you save up at least.
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    That sucks balls.

    It's only a month though. :p

    I survived without internet for nearly 18 years. XD
    I'm sure a month isn't going to hurt you...though I spend almost every waking moment on here... >.>

    And when I was on vacation, all I could think about was RomUlation, RomUlation, RomUation!..it was fucking annoying...