So I tried to upload some screenshots for Cliffhanger for Sega Genesis, when they finish uploading, the little clock to the left of the file extension turns into a yield sign with an exclamation point and underneath the extension it says "This is not an image". The screenshots are JPEG and if there not images then I dunno what is :-\ Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I'm new here so maybe its just me, anyways thanks for your help.
It means our software couldn't read it as an image, have you tried uploading it to imageshack, tinypic or similar? If it works there could you then please zip the file and put it on a media host like mediafire or rapidshare so I can test why our software is failing? Thanks.
That was exactly what I meant yes, so good job. Now after analysing this image I know what's wrong, but I don't know what to do about it to be honest. The problem is that the jpg is encoded differently (arithmetic encoded) from most jpgs, and that trips our software, there is no real mention of this via a few google searches and the official php documentation of the functions we use to load the image doesn't mention it. =/ So for now, I can't fix this, even photoshop can't read it. =/ How or where did you get this image?
err "Print Screen" button, then I took care of the format/size in paint. You want me to try uploading to the site under a different format like gif or png and see if the same thing happens?
No dice, get the same error in both gif and png format. It doesn't sound like its a common problem and its really not a big deal for me. If its not a recurring problem with other folks I don't see a reason to look into it unless from an admin standpoint you just want everything to be working right and for all I know its something I'm doing. I have no idea. Anyways thanks for looking into it, I still think this site rocks ;D