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Thinking of chipping my game cube...

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mds64, May 26, 2009.

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  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Is this a wise choice, please keep in mind that I do not want to start buying things online (lack credit card/debit card and do not wish for one...in order to keep me from blowing my cash) and thus I chose this option...

    At a pplace I saw, they are offering to chip my cube for $70aus, there are some other stalls near by that offer chipping services and might be able to get it cheaper...

    Now the ONLY reason I am doing this is because the warrenty is already dead, and I'm sick of paying big money for second hand, classic cube games...

    I just need to know the following...

    1.If it's a safe option for cubes?

    2.If there is a selection of chips to chose, which are my best options?

    3.What are the negitivities of having it chipped?

    4.With import games, would they work the same as the freeloader disc (ie jap games need a different memory card as to NOT corrupt cards with english saves on them)

    5.Anything special I might have to do

    6.If you own a chipped cube, or even a ps2, what is it like?

    7.Do chips...I don't know, expire, I need this to last until the system dies of old age...

    Unlike the psp, I shouldn't have much to worry about, I'm aware there is other, software alternitives but I am not going to buy anything online...that is why I use this site, to save money (and I'm aware I'm paying more for a small chip than a memory card type device)...

    Thank you in advance

    -the ever asking, annoyed with trolling on google with slow net while a single download is slowing it more, mds64
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I can't comment on most of the questions, but most chips will last a good long time, they don't 'expire' per se. I have a memory card based modchip for my PS2, its pretty good, although the compatibility with the current firmware is a bit meh. I just haven't got around to trying a different firmware yet.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...just worried if they would last, normally I would prefer an un-modded console, but because cubes are cheaper than ps2's to get second hand, i might take this chance.
    Post Merge: [time]1243436508[/time]
    I want to get as much feed back as possible...anyone else want to suggest what I should do?
    Post Merge: [time]1243510469[/time]
    BUMP...sorry but I would like some more info on this subject..
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