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Thinking about getting a 360.

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by Relys, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Now that I am older I'm making enough money to actually buy big things I want.

    I already have a Wii and DS, but there's a disappointing lack of games that aren't out of the shitter.

    I have a few questions.

    1. Is the red ring thing still a big problem?

    2. How bad is the noise from the fan.?

    3. When will they be shipping out the normal 360's with HDMI AND the new chipset?

    4. Is $50 a year really worth it for online?

    5. What would I need to mod it?
  2. sesa

    sesa Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind what i say is just what i heard
    1.yes(just buy a extended warranty and you should be fine)
    2.Usually I can't hear over the volume at my friends house but keep in mind he bumps his surround sound.
    3.no clue
    4.Its the best online of the 3 systems but if its worth it is your own opinion.
    5.I don't think you can ATM.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    1) Don't put it in an enclosed cabinet or TV unit, leave it on the floor or table and this problem should be less likely to occur

    5) The DVD drive firmware can be flashed, allowing it to play burned/import games.
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    thats good but not relaible
  5. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    just look for a premium system with a hdmi slot - they'll have those new motherboards (which shouldn't crack at the solders, causing red ring of death not fix) and a heatsink somewhere (makes it a little quieter and cooler)
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member


    don't there's no point. xbox live is not worth it why pay when every other game company give it for free.
    yes u can mod it there are loads of sites u can buy pre-chipped 360 and u can buy mods and if u know ur shit i've read u can replace the fan and upgrade the gfx prossesor as its basicly pc parts but unless ur superman i wouldn't try it just buy it.

    i have spent along time reading about the 360 and my bro has two and its realy not worth it as most of the games are intended to go online (one player modes suck) which means paying for live.
    to be onest if ur gona spend money and u like what microsoft have to offer get a pc. buy a pc with 6.4ghz processor 2gig of ram and then spend £100/$200 on a gfx card it will last u a few years and save the money u would spend on live and get a new gfx card. all of the good games on 360 are on pc to (better game play better gfx free online) the only game thats makes the 360 appeal to anyone is halo 3 and that will be on pc in the next couple of years.

    i had the same problem and after a long time i gone pc and its the way to go.
    ur choice read forums look on gamespot.com and look at games that are comin out do so comparisons and make a choice but don't impuls buy
  7. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Wii's online flat out sucks ass compared to the 360's.

    PC's lack stable frame rates, and become obsolete within a month. These next gen consoles have years and years before new ones comes out.

    My PC can already play next-gen games on lowish settings so I'm happy. The best games coming out right now are for the 360.

    I just think it's a dumb waste of money to invest all my cash continuously updating my computer.
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i have a pc that i got free years ago and its only just become obsolete (1ghz 700mb ram radeon 9600 sound shit but u'd be surprised what it can run. best games on 360 are also on pc
    bioshock, gears of war, assasins creed all the others also free online and pc is best for first person shooters as mouse and keybord are alot faster to play and pc has awesome RTS games. u don't need to upgrade all the time if u get a good gfx card. and frame rates (LAG) are only a prob if ur pc is having a hard running it.
    i am buying a pc soon this is what it will be
    6.4ghz dual core (no point getting quad core as nothing supports it games have only just supported dual)
    2gig ddr2 ram
    512mb gfx
    i'm getting the base unit from ebay for £260 and a gfx card for £100 off of play.com
    now thats a pc that will run anything thrown at it for at least a year
    but not only can i play pc games but roms and videos and surf the net and watch porn and download and encode and all the other things u can do with a pc that u can't do with a console. if u want to feel like u got a xbox u can use the controller with pc
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    my computer is still top of the line and its two years old come November.
  10. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    u can do all that and more on pc.
    not only that but as games get better u can upgrade slowly u can't do that with a console.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    winter you need to remember that things get marked up in other countries, so $50 is good value to you, but once its been marked up for another country its not such good value. An example of this is a WoW subscription, which costs $14 (USD) a month, which is £7 (GBP). In the UK, that same WoW subscription costs £18 GBP a month, which is $36 (USD). So the people in the UK are getting the exact same thing as the people in the US, but they're paying more than twice as much for it.
  13. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    why pay any thing they should be giving for free

    wii = free
    ds = free
    psp = free
    ps2 = free
    ps3 = free
    pc = free

    all of these have free online gaming apart from selected games microsoft are a bunch of bastards set out on raping idiots that are dumb enough to buy there products.
  14. Crashtehelf

    Crashtehelf Well-Known Member

    well...for PC gaming, you need to buy a router and internet service O.O...nothing is ever 100% free
  15. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member


    I agree with you, but you really shouldn't be comparing the Wii's online. LOL It's the worst one listed there!
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    u need a router and an isp for console gaming as well.

    never played a wii. can't see the point to much effort i do gamming when i'm tierd and board i don't want to be swingin my arms about and every one i know of that got one when they came out now don't play it cause the novelty wore off. although if i had the money i'd have a chipped one just for the od ocasion.
  17. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    Why, just because the really good online games haven't come out yet?? Let's see you say that come December...

    ALL of them require an internet connection, so what's the need to bring that up?

    People already have to pay their ISP for the internet connection. You can go to a forum using that connection for no extra cost. Basically, what you're paying for is online gaming, which you shouldn't have to. On top of that, as somebody else pointed out, the bigger games *coughhalocough* pretty much require an online connection to enjoy them. A system with games that require you to pay even more to really enjoy them = FAIL.

    (......I can't believe I'm on the side of the n00b......*shoots self*)
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    They should definitely provide "free" online gaming, I say "free" because you already paid for it when you bought the console, and you pay for it every time you buy a game. I can understand why you would have to pay for all the other stuff (not the demos though) but basic online gaming should definitely be free.
  19. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    You mean some other way to fund it besides the profit from all of the games that get sold just to be played online? Seph already said it:

    See, your analogy is flawed simply because Romulation is (supposedly) not getting anywhere near as much profit as Microsoft is making, if any at all. A small, "fan-made" website getting money from its viewers to pay for bandwidth is not the same as a large corporation that already has much more than enough to pay for it getting people to shell out $50 on average. The extra stuff is fine, but I haven't ever heard of having to pay to join any contest. If you have to pay to rent movies, that's fine, but that doesn't mean paying to connect to it. That's like paying for being able to walk into Blockbuster.

    I just plain resent that last line of yours. It isn't that I'm against paying for anything (as a matter of fact, I'm not), but rather that I'm against paying for the exact same thing over and over again. The bill's already given to you when you sign up with the ISP, buy the system, buy the connection method (probably just the cable), and buy the game itself. If you think Microsoft should have to charge for all that extra stuff, then fine, have them charge for it seperately. That doesn't mean, though, that you should have to pay for the ability to play for fun with friends over the Internet.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    may i just say again every other company provides free online gaming what right does microsft have to make us pay for it yes u can do all this shit on it but u can on ps3 and even more on pc. at the end of the day microsoft are all about fillin thier pockets with cash insted of giving the gamer what they want likt they could of made it wifi enabled it would cost them pennies to make it wifi but no they want u to pay £60 for another hunk of shit that u'll be calling there customer support about. and a company that does that is not worth my money the only thing that makes me want one is to have a next gen that can be chiped. but then again i'm upgradding my pc soon and that will have the same games that i want like assasins creed so 360 already become obsolete in my books as it will like and play better on it. also i don't know if others feel the same way but because online gameing solo and co-op story modes are becoming weaker as the discs are being filled will the maps and info of the online play which is anouther reason i'm for ps3 as blue-ray will be able to cope with this having a masive 50gb of space compared to 9gb of space