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There's A new Megaman game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by anthonypopo, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. anthonypopo

    anthonypopo Well-Known Member

    They are in the progress in making a new megaman/rockman game called Megaman online. I don't know what it is about or about the story but i'm sure i'll find out soon. Here's a link of the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkk1_qXU1xw. And some art work and details http://news.mmosite.com/content/2010-06-03/mege_man_oline_character_concept_arts_leaked.shtml

    Btw dose anyone know any megaman game coming to the ds? and a translated rockman exe operate shooting star?
  2. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    I thought it would have been like that cartoon they had a few years ago. Where they were digital and the players swiped cards and stuff.
  3. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I thought the newest was called Megaman Universe?
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Last I heard, it was an Asia-only release. Never paid much attention to threads about it.
  5. anthonypopo

    anthonypopo Well-Known Member

    Rumors say that's its only asian. i think megaman online is after universe. but why did they pic the relly old megaman.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Why rely on rumors when there's GameFAQs to check/verify/debunk them out:

    For the PS3 -> http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/998795-mega-man-universe/data

    For you lazy enough to not click teh link:

    Xbox 360 -> http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/998793-mega-man-universe/data

    Again for teh lazy bones:

    As you can see, it "might" get released in teh U.S. of A. as well :)

    EDIT: Addendum:

    Because the classic "Astroboy" plot rip off Megaman is way better than the other weak series that followed suit :p
  7. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member


    The gimmicks are big in this one. You can play as RYU and BAD BOX ART MEGAMAN (anyone remember the Megaman 1 U.S. box art?)

    Bad box art megaman looks hilarious as he did on the box when I first got it on 2001.

    BUT, since the bad box art was ONLY in the U.S., I think there's a pretty strong chance of MMU coming out here.

    It actually reminds me of the "hudson selection" games on the GC and PS2, that updated old games' grafix and sound, as it looks a LOT like MM2 at this stage...

    Seems like it'll have arthur and 8-bit megaman too and anime megaman..., so a crossover? Wonder if they're going to throw in morrigan and SonSon? XD
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah you guys were seriously eff'd up by then Capcom CEO whatshisface (I forgot his name, but I once read about him in the copy of EGM Magazine that featured Megaman 5 when it was released back in the 90's) by changing the AWESOME KICK ASS name "Rockman" to weak ass "Megaman" :p He felt the name "Rockman was weak (I guess he likes Hiphop or Rap or R n' B or whatever it is that's not Rock :p) so he "decided" to change the name. He then "realized" his mistake when Megaman 3 was released & in the ending credits he saw that "Rockman" was supposed to be complimented by Roll (Rock n' Roll get it? He didn't :p ). Then to make matters worse, he gave "Blues" the douchey name of "Protoman", as if that sounded good compared to Blues. "D'urr ke d'urr I'm Protoman & I was teh first Robot Wily & Light created", yeah that's kewl... not!

    Then when Forte & Gospel came along he had their names changed to stupid Trebble & Base because the names sounded religious, f*cking retard if you ask me :p

    And yeah, sorry for the excessive :p 's I'm just pissed off as hell with how Capcom U.S. defaced the Rockman series for you.
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Yeah, originally, like on g4's interview, they talked about all the names they went through and they finally picked megaman. They also said one of the main gimmicks was that the characters would be named after music and types of music to promote the fact that the games had good...music. Yeah. It's really a good watch, see it on YouTube or something.

    Forte isn't religious, it's Italian for fast XD

    As far as protoman, yeah he got screwed up. One thing too is his THEME in mm3 is bluesy and overall KICKASS, and really compliments him. I even remixed it: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/265433 At least they didn't call him Neutroman or electroman :D
    I was sorta a MM kid, so yeah. I never quite got the names.

    Sad to see megaman is taking the sonic route of !OMGz Luk At all the Carachter$ Lulz! As long as the gameplay isn't harmed by people like ryu and arthur being useless (arthur better get a damn life bar too) it should be good.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    But Gospel is.

    EDIT: Addendum:

    Heh ^_^ nice remix tharr! I agree with one of the comments on that page that it sounds like Blues was on a ship or something ;)

    Do a western (Cowboys & Indians) remix too if you can.
  11. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Yah, gospel is.

    Well, I HAVE done a western-ish one, of karariko villiage, actually.

    It's sorta a peaceful farm-life one though, and doesn't veer too far from the original. I added a nice harmonic harmonica, though.


    I dunno excactly how I would do a "cowboys and indians" remix. Just throw in some "yeehaw!" and Indian chants? XD
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Try listening to this intro for Wild Arms as your "inspiration".


    The 8-bit whistle sound it sell feels kinda western-y by itself already.

    EDIT: Addendum:

    LOL! Your Karariko remix sounds better than FarmVille's annoying theme XD
  13. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Ah. Lotsa guitar and whistling. Got it. Now just gotta find a song to do :p

    Thanks for the compliment on kakariko :D I'm in Amish town, Pennsylvania here (and the ONLY techie-nerd in amish-town, I might add) so I have a lot of inspiration for that kind of music.
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I remember an episode of Oprah, yes I used to watch Oprah when it was being aired here, where she delved into the Amish way of life. Isn't there this one day of your teenage life where you get to indulge in frivolity & then you get to choose if you want to stay the Amish life or denounce it & bathe in everything frivolous life has to offer? Or was that a different faith?
  15. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    That's right.

    The thing I hate about it is the families disown their children and don't allow them to be with any of their kid-hood friends if they choose to leave. That's gotta be tough on them, and it's the only reason why anyone stays.

    I'm not actually amish (THANK GOD) but I'm surrounded by farms and amish peeps.

    Wow, we rock at going off-topic :D
  16. anthonypopo

    anthonypopo Well-Known Member

    hey is there a rockman exe operate shoot star translted?
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I tried searching around & it seems people over at gbatemp are at an impasse. One faction (mostly fans of the series) are pleading for a fan translation. The other, most Fan Translation ROM Hackers feel the game doesn't deserve a Translation seeing the fact that the game is essentially just a rehash of Battle Networks 1, just with enhanced stuff & a cross-over arc. Sad to say, they even see the cross over as nothing note worthy to translate.