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Theory about 3DS Anti-Piracy

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by bikeboy99, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    Well im thinking since DS flashcarts are confirmed to work and there have been rumours that once you use a flash cart the 3DS OS will break down. Huge assumption but im thinking that their not going to release new firmware until a while so that all the flash cart users will think its safe, Then they'll release a firmware that will break down the 3DS OS if a flash cart has been used in the machine. Through this they'd catch alot of people off guard
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't that be illegal?
  3. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    Most Western countries, Yes
  4. frostydrag0n

    frostydrag0n Well-Known Member

    Why is it illegal? (I don't live in the west :O)
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because they are intentionally damaging someone else's property. In western law, when you buy a physical object, such as a DS, the ownership of the object transfers to you, it is now yours. If nintendo then apply a firmware update to it that intentionally renders it inoperable, then they have wilfully damaged your property and deprived you of the use of something you own. Therefore it is criminal damage.
  6. frostydrag0n

    frostydrag0n Well-Known Member

    Woaaahh never knew that! That's cool + beneficial for piracy then! WOOTS! I wouldn't know where to get all the cash for each and every game I wanna play if there isn't gonna be flashcarts :x
  7. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    so there goes that idea here is one that might work. i think they will have the the 3ds os built in a way if that you use a flashcard the card is self gets mess up. now if this is still clover by the same law then throw it out the window but if not then guard your flash card
  8. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    what about the little thing i have been hearing about the EULA, loony?

    they are trying to get it changed were you don't have to agree, that they can do whatever to stop the piracy

    also, not to mention the never be able to turn off street & spot pass were it does the auto-updates

    anyways that is what i heard, so, the furthest im going to get to it, is the DSiXL real soon, since my friend is getting the 3DS system
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    EULAs cannot override statuate law.
  10. Dumachum

    Dumachum Member

    EULA's aren't even technically legal or binding in any way. It's just official looking unofficial nonsense that companies use to try and intimidate or control consumers with.

    I don't think nintendo or any of the other console developers have the balls to put in an always on forced connection because that would be a privacy law violation.

    People have the right to keep their hardware in the state in which it was purchased without updating it or being under constant monitoring. This includes back patching.

    People also have the right to soft or hard mod anything they want with a piece of hardware they have purchased.
  11. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    The whole Brick idea was just a rumour based on a wrong assumption of a blogger.
    There is no official word on that.

    What Nintendo can do is:
    Ban person from Online play. Which is proved to work at most part. And since a lot of games are heavily online based on DS this is a big impact.
    Make unable for the pirate to upgrade the game OS. So he won't be able to pay new games with different APs.

    What hackers will do?
    Ditch online play (most will do it, like on Xbox 360).
    Create unoficial OS's so they can play the new games the same way we do with our Flash Cards now.

    Nintendo surely need a awesome plan to solve the piracy problems ... temporary, of course.
  12. majkelpajkel

    majkelpajkel Member

    just turn off the wireless? there's a slider on the side of the 3ds that turns it off :p and yes that turns off street/spot pass too
  13. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    What would be the 3DS aps?

    Guess the most logic thing to do is e.g.: a freeze when moving to 3D
  14. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    if you read the 3ds online agreement you need to say somethign about if using the system for piracy nintendo wont be held responsable u need to agree to the terms to connect to the internet
  15. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    The only thing they can do, since killing your DS is technically a crime. They will be able to not give you future Firmware, and in extreme cases render your DS useless in the sense that future games will not work, your ds is still fine, but 3DS titles may not work. So i hear
  16. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    I mainly think once a flashcart that plays 3DS games comes into play that's when Nintendo's little anti piracy would kick in.I'd say Nintendo had given up hope on stopping NDS piracy since the NDS is dying out......
  17. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    that makes sence i think the only hope for the pirates is a emulator but even that the chancees are minamal