R4 SDHC Firmware: 1.6 Issue: By default, there are 12 themes on the card, and each is used for 1 month, then switched to the following theme based on the folder (theme01 , theme02, etc). I've replaced these themes with 4 themes of my choosing, however, I do not wish to maintain the monthly system. Do I need to have a total 12 themes in the file? Is there any way to randomize which of the available themes is loaded so that a different theme loads every time to restart the NDS?
I suppose you NEED 12 themes (named theme01, theme02 etc.) in the themes folder, or else the theme system won't be working. Just replace 4 themes with 4 of the basic themes. There is no way to randomize the themes for different themes everytime you start up your NDS.
no you dont have to have 12 themes you can have up to 12 though and you can press select on your ds to change your theme (automatic=monthly system, manual=unlimited time)