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the xbox fan boys...

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by ultra, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    "...Ever notice PS3 owners have no reason why they bought one other then games will be coming SOON (lol) or they liked the PS2........ there is not a single reason worth purchasing a PS3. None. How can you be so stupid? Seriously! I just don't get why anyone would spend $400+ for something with "Sony" on it? "

    Posted by: jay00funk on December 17, 2007 16:39 PDT at ign.com

    i like this quote, but i don't really know if it still stands now. sony has some descent games, uncharted was given good reviews.
  2. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Well that sums up the ps3... it sucks, i think i've said it several times before too. its just not worth getting when xbox basically has all of the same games and it haves a bunch of better xbox-only games.
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    That's true; I've actually never heard a convincing enough reason for me to buy it.
  4. ultra

    ultra Guest

    metal gear??!! silent hill??!! final fantasy??!! [though it's questionable]

    the one thing that ps3 will never best xbox on are the fps and those online rpg's and such.
  5. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Being a hardcore FPS fan, now i'm never going to buy a ps3 :p (unless they start to sell for $25)
  6. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Hell! I even find the Xbox controller much nicer to hold and more durable than the crappy Ps2's
  7. err

    err Well-Known Member

    The only reason I would get PS3 is for Resident Evil 5 or Guns of the Patriots.
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    resident evil 5 is to be released for xbox 360 and ps3, maybe a port to the next gen nintendo system in the future [i'm not talking wii here]. the only thing to get a ps3 is for metal gear solid 4 but spending 400+ and one game isn't really conventional when you think about it.
  9. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    ^unless you want to watch Sony's "Blueray Crap"
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually blueray is good from the video point of view. Better than HD-DVD with its stupid protection systems that require you to buy new monitors etc.
  11. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. I suppose i just don't like Sony, and i don't like it how it costs more to make a Bluray disc than a HD DVD disk
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    are you sure?? i heard that you can't upgrade the firmware on a blu-ray player as compared to an hd-dvd player. then you have that anti-modification thing where any alteration to the system it will disable itself. then you also have region lock as compared to hd dvd which doesn't have region lock. this is what i heard.
  13. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member

    This thread is 100% facepalm.

    Because lets face it, people buy what they want. A couple of my mates have PS3's some have Xbox360. I can't afford either so I'll remain impartial. My mates with PS3's say they bought because they had PS2's and because they had read Xbox360's overheated. My mates bought Xbox360's because they wanted to play X or Y game.

    As for HD-DVD and Bluray - HD-DVD does not have mandatory content protection (HDCP is not madatory on disks). Bluray uses HDCP mandatory and also has BD+.
  14. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member


    You deserve a facepalm. This thread is called xbox fan boys as in people who likes the xbox. People buy what consoles they want,yes, but those who do not like xbox shouldn't even be posting here. Here we just discuss the awesomeness of the xbox.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You can upgrade the firmware on any device with a firmware, period. It might be more difficult for some, but it can still be done if needed. The only reason firmwares should be updated is to fix bugs or problems, and generally should not be done by a consumer due to the risk involved. Blu-ray disc protection is similar to what a DVD uses and no-one said DVDs are bad for being region locked.
  16. Valkerion

    Valkerion Well-Known Member

    next year is sony's year for sure, MGS4 will boost sales alone. And the possibility of FF13 being ready sometime 08 isnt hurting its chances. But SE has never been good with its release dates. They say fall of 08 meaning summer of 09 usally, but you cant fault them on delivering great games.... aside from that Unlimited SaGa...

    360 dosnt have a great line up next year but Ninja Gaiden 2, which snuck up on everyone by being almost completly ready by time it was revealed :eek:.

    if anything 09 is going to be the deciding factor of who wins out of 360 annd ps3
  17. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Ultra......Metal Gear 4 AND FF7 re-make? My friends always say "look at the comparison screenshots of the 360 and the PS3.....360's graphics are better!" well, you can't tell someone that one system's graphics are better than the other, it's all opinion based. Iv'e seen some really sweet viddy's of some really sweet games on the PS3, it just looks more interesting. Oh and BTW, EVERY SINGLE 360 my friends have had ether craped out or completely broke a few weeks after they got it. I'm a Microsoft boy myself, but only in the computer department. All in all, computers are better ;)
  18. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Isn't the Xbox more durable than the Ps? I'm quite sure that the Xbox controller is more lasting than the Ps2
  19. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    ^Probably it just depends how abusive the gamer is, chances are that more Xbox controllers break because people are actually playing their Xboxes, and they are getting owned by me in Halo 3.
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i played god of war 1, and after i beat it and played dark alliance on the ps2, the analog is dead [you walk straight but the character would go left after like 2-3 steps forward]. god of war had instances where you have to use the analog stick to waggle back and forth, i guess it was that. so it depends on the games and how they make users use the analog sticks.

    remember, when you play a game, there is no time to think for an instance of rather you're going to press or push that button or control stick softly or harshly. when you play a fighting game you have to be quick and there is no chance that you're going to press the buttons and control stick softly, unless of course you're like superman or the flash who can slow time by going fast.