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The World Ends With You (NDS)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kamage, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    So, as we all know, the (E) version had just recently came out, and I'm liking this game alot, so, anything about this game goes in this here thread ;D

    I'm on Day 3 as of now, and I'm wondering why the timer isn't really input in the game, like the timer's on the top right hand corner, and ticks like real world time, that would make the game a whole lot pressurizing, so any thoughts on this?

    It's like an Urban game, good music, and a great plot so far, but the hardthing is: In battle, you have to focus on two screens, keeping both of your players alive, as well as fighting the same enemies, but it gets easier once you get used to it, my Strategy:

    Look at the top screen once in a while, and just press whatever side the enemy is on, like LEFT LEFT LEFT, or RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT
    then put most of your focus on the bottom screen, the screen where you are more vulnerable to attacks, anyone have any different strategies?
  2. MagNetCZ

    MagNetCZ Member

    I agree it's a great game and the various pins keep the fights interesting. My most recent strategy is to play it with a friend at school. Also the top battle system changes a bit with different partner.
  3. gooong

    gooong New Member

    Use clothing that shortens the combo, it'll make things easier.

    You should try to choose your combo so both characters can do the special attacks.

    I usually start running around or use my range attacks that involve just tapping when I use the top screen.
  4. MagNetCZ

    MagNetCZ Member

    I love using all the various attack moves, it's quite easy if you've got another person taking care of the upper screen :D, and fun.
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    my pin set is

    1: (Lvl 5) Lovely Beam, Natural Puppy [38 att]
    2. (Lvl 3)Shock Warning,Musrattus [34 att]
    3. (Lvl 5) Sushi, Unbranded [58 att]
    4. (lvl 7) Ice Blow, DIB [27 att] *Thinking of changing this one
    5. (lvl 3) Cure Drink, Unbranded [50% heal]
    6. Locked

    I ahve Joshua as a partner...
  6. gooong

    gooong New Member

    I'm using Kanesada (lvl 6)
    Purity Launcher (lvl 3) (evolved from lovely beam---scattershot)
    Hounder Magum (lvl 5)
    Meteor Magnet (lvl 5)

    I wish Kanesada (attack 99) would continue to evolve, I had it since it was a Masamune...
    I wonder what I would replace this with when i max this pin.
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I expected a longer story line, I just beat it today, it's way to short, but it was a great buy, I'm mad, but it was definitely worth the money, the ending was as epic as I predicted it would be, and the secret chapter, the intro, I was like, WTF?

    Once you guys see the secret chapter, you'll be laughing so much at what Neku says

    I'm jsut saying I'm mad at this game for being too short for my taste, but it had one of the greatest story lines I've ever played, plenty of plot twists(Alot actually), and a great topic to base the game on, but the length was truely a let down, I expected a longer game, coming from square enix.

    Alot of free roaming after the game though!

    I just quoted my post from Game Faqs, I just finished this game five minutes ago :)
  8. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Finished it in one day!?! How many hours did u play it? And what drop rate and difficulty level did u play it at?
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Actually it was two days, I played normal, and I played 1/3 my normal HP well I finished the main story line, I ahvent gotten all the secrets, I plan to get it around this month, but I'm playing pokemon Mystery Dungeon :)
  10. pj32384

    pj32384 New Member

    Hi, just got TWEWY to start working.

    I just want to know about the battle mechanic for the character on the top screen, I figured that you simply press the direction that the enemy is in for the character to attack, but what's with all the other arrows?! Is that just for style?

    Thanks for the help in advanced!
  11. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    The other arrows are inorder to get the cahin you need for a fusion star, you know how that each of the cards are different, if you get them correct in the correct order,. you get a fusion star, Beat's is the easiest, you don't care about it, just keep pressing, but it;s hard to get combo with beat... Shiki is the best, because its easy to understand, hope that helped
  12. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    How may days are there cause i just beat the first week and now im with Joshua and i want to know how much more i have to go.
  13. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    The weeks really surprised me too o.o

    I thought you' get ressurected, and the noise make their way into the physical world.... anyways.. If I tell you the real date, you're gonna be mjorly spoiledd o.o
  14. leontk

    leontk Well-Known Member

    can you guys tell me what emulator you guys use and where did you download the game
  15. Well, you can download it from the main site. As far as an emulator, I can't help you.
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Emulators can't play TWEWY good at the moment, sorry.
  17. leontk

    leontk Well-Known Member

  18. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    3 weeks, days get longer, then the bonus chapter.
    I got the ROM here and use my NDS :p

    But I loved the game, probably have 22 hours or so logged on it without being too far in the secret chapter.
  19. leontk

    leontk Well-Known Member

    man it sounds like an awesome game wish it would work on no$gba emulator
  20. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    hey dude, if you have a ds, you should get a slot1 cart like the r4, m3, cyclo ds, etc