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The World Ends with You Help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by :::...Rom...:::, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. :::...Rom...:::

    :::...Rom...::: Well-Known Member

    The game freezes when I reach a point, these are the terms[?]

    -I'm playing on an r4
    -Firmware is r4 wood
    -I'm on Day 5, Week 3 (Beat)
    -After I beat Pinky and Lollipop (don't know their real names) red-eyed version, Beat says 'I'll erase them myself' then Neku says '...' then it freezes. The music that is playing is like on a loo-freeze or something
    -On the DS Lite
    - The World Ends With You (U)

    I've tried that 'open and close ds for 5 seconds' but it doesn't work.

    Help is appreciated. Thank you. :D
  2. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    give me a link to the game ill check it out
  3. :::...Rom...:::

    :::...Rom...::: Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by link? I'm playing it on the r4...

    Though, this is the Wiki page.
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    He means where you downloaded it.
  5. :::...Rom...:::

    :::...Rom...::: Well-Known Member

    I think from Nitroroms.com ...
    If you just use the Search, you'll find it in seconds.
  6. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    try getting a new rom, backup your files and format your sd card to FAT 32 (rigth click it)
  7. :::...Rom...:::

    :::...Rom...::: Well-Known Member

    That doesn't work.. D:
  8. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    wood 1.13 will fix this
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

  10. :::...Rom...:::

    :::...Rom...::: Well-Known Member

    The save file got erased D:

    So, I just got a complete version of the save file and I'm gonna see if I can go back on the chapters and progress through there.

    Also, I got Wood 1.13 now. :D

    Thanks, dills2. ^^

    EDIT: No, still not working D: