The game freezes when I reach a point, these are the terms[?] -I'm playing on an r4 -Firmware is r4 wood -I'm on Day 5, Week 3 (Beat) -After I beat Pinky and Lollipop (don't know their real names) red-eyed version, Beat says 'I'll erase them myself' then Neku says '...' then it freezes. The music that is playing is like on a loo-freeze or something -On the DS Lite - The World Ends With You (U) I've tried that 'open and close ds for 5 seconds' but it doesn't work. Help is appreciated. Thank you.
The save file got erased D: So, I just got a complete version of the save file and I'm gonna see if I can go back on the chapters and progress through there. Also, I got Wood 1.13 now. Thanks, dills2. ^^ EDIT: No, still not working D: