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The Transformers thread

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by dedboy, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    So let us discuss the various cartoon series, and even those yucky movies.


    The above link is for those that may not either know, or remember the series.

    Does anyone remember how Megatron could shrrink at will? In his root robot mode he seemed around 100 feet tall compared to a human, but when he transformed into his gun mode, he could fit into even a humans hands.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    LOL I can remember when the animated movie first came out on VHS I got all freaked out when Megatron and blasted Brawn then transformed into gun mode Starscream was shooting up Prowl and Ironhide,and it actually a few of them killed them I was like "Holy SHIT!" as I was too used to the "shooting everything but can't hit the broad side of a barn" gun play they done on the TV series.
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    The movie showed a few deaths, Rachet, Wheeljack, and Ironhyde. Man did Megs, blast Ironhyde at point blank range or what?
    And did Shockwave die? Unicrons hand came down on Cybertron, so it's a safe bet he did.
  4. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Seems Shockwave made appearances in the tv series after the unicron saga but its been so log since I watched them I am not sure anymore.
  5. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    He did, but not in the original series after the movie.
    Later he showed up in the new series.

    Also anyone have a favorite combiner?
  6. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Constructicons or original Predacons.

    Anyways, Shockwave technically survived. Cannoncially speaking it goes something like
    Original > Armada > Energon
    Thats the general timeline, but they do connect and Shockwave/Shockblast was in there and he mentions his war crimes as a Decepticon.
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    LOL I calls dem Gestalts my top favorite is the G1 Devastator

    dedboy you collect the toys as well or just enjoy the shows?
  8. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    I did both. I had a crap load of the G1 'bots.
    I had the full construction/combaticon/ and Terrorcon set.
    Die cast Opitimius and Megatron.
    Hell I was only lacking Metroplex/Fortress Maximus. I ended up with Scorponok.

    No one sold it around where I was, I even went south for damn near a whole state, never found Metroplex or Fortress
  9. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Same here but I did have Metroplex, I had quite a bit G1 like Jetfire, Prime, Trailblazer, Jazz, Sideswipe, Devastator, Computron and god knows what else. but me being like most kids are they all got broken :( but I renewed my collection later on as I grew older and could appreciate things starting with the Robots in Disguise line except I was getting the Jap imports (Transformers 2000) until they released in the US. then I got a few from Energon,Armada, then went on a hiatus until the movies came out and I picked up a couple from Revenge of the Fallen line and the only reason I even bought them as I found a second hand shop in my town that sells "damaged" goods and each one was like 3.00 and only problem was the packages were ripped open and maybe missing the instruction books. I would absolutely love to regain my G1 collection but they are just too high now.

    ...damn what a ramble.
  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    No. If it's about Transformers, there is no limit in my eyes to what you could or should say. Sadly most of mine like yours ended up scrapped. My younger cousin got a lot of them, he loved them, but his older sister bagged them up and tossed them. I want to start re-collecting, starting with a full G2 Terricon set. I saw one on Ebay for 125.00$, here's hoping man. I know I can't do a full collection, but if I can just get a few gestalts and even omega supreme, I'd be happy enough.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    [me=hYpNoS]is a big TF fan[/me]

    I got some of the gestalts, but sadly they aren't in the best of shape (I was only a little kid :( ).

    Best condition transformers are the re-issues of thunder cracker and dirge (still in box-the box is a little tattered though, bought second hand).

    Some of the ones I got when I was little are still good, though the stickers placed onto them have worn, and or parts have become lost (one of star scream's guns :( )

    G1 all the way!
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Fuc**** yes!
    Starscream was a mad scientist, who could blame him for wanting to oust control from Megs. Problem is he did on a few occasions and always screwed it up. I wanted the masterpiece megatron so badly. He looks like a p.38


    Good news that's the best he's ever looked, bad news if a cop saw him in gun mode, you'd be in critical condition mode, or dead mode. Either way.
  13. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I currently have 100 pieces of various sizes and lines sadly I only have one G1 but my pride is Fire Convoy (Optimus Prime) and God Magnus (Ultra Magnus) from Transformers 2000 (Robots in Disguise) both form Super Fire Convoy (Omega Prime) and I got Skywarp Masterpiece that I really like. I would love for it to have been Starscream.
  14. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    anyone saw the trailer for the new cartoon series called prime http://www.ign.com/videos/2010/07/21/transformers-prime-tv-teaser?objectid=80393
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I only ever liked G1, sure G1 toys sucks ass & the cartoon itself was riddled by animation errors (weird things like Shockwave being on Earth in a single frame, Chip getting on Bumblebee without leaving his wheelchair, characters missing their faces for a second etcetera) but still, it started the whole deal. Never liked the G1 movie as the deaths were just an excuse to cut off old characters & introduce new ones that have vehicle forms that aren't based on anything real. Also G1 Ultramagnus was a badly made character as in the original Diaclone toy line, his toy mould was supposed to be a power up for Optimus Prime, hence the Ultramagnus toy having a Prime truck & the bulk of Ultramagnus' body is just his trailer.

    Armada was shit, because the kids were annoying nuisance characters, the minicons were an OK plot addition though.

    Robots in Disguise was fairly good.

    Beast Wars was kinda good, but its sequel Beast Machines was utter bullshit.

    Transformers Energon/Cybertrone had good robots, but again, there were annoying children who were mere comic relief as they did absolutely nothing interesting. See G1 Spike, Chip, Carlie & Sparkplug & later Daniel were awesome!

    Animated, ugh! I couldn't stand that bitch Sari & her fetishism over that stupid All spark key :p

    And though it's not transformers per se....

    Go-bots FTW!!!

    Yeah I also loved Go-bots :p
  16. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member
