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The Sun why is it still burning....

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 88stumpy88, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    How does it keep burning ???

    I know the sun is made of gas but where did that gas come from and what is keeping it there?
    Gas that we know burns very quickly and i want to know y the sun doesn't just burn up in one great bang.

    also how the hell did this ball of gas catch fire and where the heck did it come from?

    I think there is a monkey in the middle turning a wheel pumping more gas. (joke)
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Because there is no oxygen in space or any gas for that matter.

    There's nothing to be burnt up that's why it doesn't just explode.

    As to where it came from see the big bang theory or religion.

    As for the beginning of THAT no one knows and no one ever will, if we knew it would be boring and meaningless existence.
  3. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    i wouldn't say meaningless. there i more that just our solar system out there.
  4. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    well it is on fire we know that much.
    could be a different substance of gas for all we know.

    also the theory of the big bang or religion is only something man has come up with to satisfy his urge to know WHY
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You can't explain where it came from. Would be better if we didn't know actually.
  6. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    Open your mind
  7. Reider

    Reider Modereider


    You're more than welcome to make up your own theories as to how it started in the first place though I doubt you'll ever find a concrete answer in this lifetime.
  8. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    Im not looking for an answer this is a debate is it not?

    Im looking for what other people think of the subject.
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    The only reason for my original post was to provide a response to the quoted questions since there's already an answer for them. Anything I said after that is negligible and should be treated as such since I have no opinion to share on how the sun came to be.
  10. tenchan4

    tenchan4 Well-Known Member

    The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
    A gigantic nuclear furnace
    Where Hydrogen is built into Helium
    At a temperature of millions of degrees

    The sun is hot, the sun is not
    A place where we could live
    But here on Earth there'd be no life
    Without the light it gives

    We need its light, we need its heat
    The sun light that we seek
    The sun light comes from our own sun's
    Atomic energy

    The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
    A gigantic nuclear furnace
    Where Hydrogen is built into Helium
    At a temperature of millions of degrees

    The sun is hot...

    The sun is so hot that everything on it is a gas
    Aluminum, Copper, Iron, and many others

    The sun is large...

    If the sun were hollow, a million Earth's would fit inside
    And yet, it is only a middle size star

    The sun is far away...

    About 93,000,000 miles away
    And that's why it looks so small

    But even when it's out of sight
    The sun shines night and day

    We need its heat, we need its light
    The sun light that we seek
    The sun light comes from our own sun's
    Atomic energy

    Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom smashing machine
    The heat and light of the sun are caused by nuclear reactions between
    Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon, and Helium

    The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
    A gigantic nuclear furnace
    Where Hydrogen is built into Helium
    At a temperature of millions of degrees
  11. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    Why are you explaining your self?

    Isn't that obvious from your first post.
  12. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Right-o my good man! I thought I would have to break out my notes from astronomy class. It's a fusion reaction from hydrogen atoms combining to form helium atoms. The sun is so large and dense that it collapses on itself and creates the heat necessary to achieve fusion. It doesn't keep collapsing on itself because the heat released from the fusion keeps it expanding. It's a balance of the two, you see. What happens when all of the hydrogen is turned into helium? Well it keeps on fusing that fun stuff! I forget what it forms exactly, but depending on the size of the star it can start fusing iron eventually I believe, and after that it makes a jolly old black hole if it is dense enough! Otherwise it sits around as a hot, giant rock.

    There are just clouds of gases floating about in the great ol' universe that aren't big enough to create the heat necessary to achieve fusion.
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    the Sun is a giant Nuclear Reactor which use Hydrogen (which consist of 70% of sun's mass) to generate Heat and Helium through Nuclear Fusion, IIRC Nuclear Fusion isnt a combustion so they dont need any Oxygen to keep burning.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    also interesting to note, that humans actually generate electricity using the opposite nuclear process to what the sun does (fission, which is where an atom gets split into smaller ones). We do have a working fusion reactor, however it is in early stages and at the moment consumes more energy maintaining the reaction than it produces. That said, once everything is sorted out, fusion has the potential to generate a hell of a lot more energy than fission, and also fusion produces less harmful by-products.
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    but where does all of that stuff coming from and where does it all end up?

    like a human, it needs energy to move and perform other mechanical/non-mechanical things. so we eat. after we eat, we process that food and it becomes waste which we eventually push out and a by product is produced. if we take that same idea and apply it to the sun, it doesn't work.

    similarly, if we have a nuclear power plant or build a hydrogen bomb, there are by products left behind. additionally, we need the chemicals to make and start these things. but with the sun, where does it get these chemicals from.

    we know the sun is going in one direction in terms of performing it's job, using fusion. so we know that it isn't going fission, so where is the by product?

    like when you strike a match, it burns but requires that the flame eats the wood as energy, so where does it get this constant energy from? the way we see the sun is like a human who never goes hungry and can always have the energy to perform his task without ever eating or consuming energy. how is that possible?
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the sun will run out of energy eventually...
  17. ultra

    ultra Guest

    what about by products [waste]?
  18. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Read my post man, it explains the cycle there. The gravitational pull of the hydrogen atoms to the center of the cloud formation caused the initial ignition of the star. Heat is generated when the hydrogen is getting compressed like that, that's why the sun is on "fire". The heat keeps the star from completely collapsing on itself, so it's always spreading out, and the gravity keeps it constantly collapsing inward. This keeps the process of hydrogen being combined into helium and creating energy. Once it's out of hydrogen, it does this with helium, and when it's done with helium, it moves onto whatever two helium atoms would make which I don't remember because I'm not a damn chemist.
  19. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    if your not content with the technical explanations,

    its always easier to just say, "and God said, Let there be Light!" and poof! comes the sun.
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    heat and helium.......