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The Sorcerer's Apprentice DS

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by houstontx224, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Anyone have this one working on no$gba? I got the rom image crasehd msg and then tried to use encryptds and still no luck. Any help on this one? Much appreciated.

  2. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Well still no luck with this one..i DID manage to get it running on Desmume BUT, its slow. Anyone got this one to run sucessfully on no$gba? I wont get to mess with it any until next weekend..need tha trest for work..Loooooong hours..lol

  3. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Play this games on Desmume for alternative mode.
  4. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Alternative mode?
  5. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Well he mean as an alternative means.
    Since Desmume usually work with newest games right now, you can try it if it's not working on the no$gba.
  6. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Got it to wokr on Desmume (ver 9.6 ??) but, the control is a little off ..Thought I set it and the SPEED..waay too slow. I did receive some tips on increasing framerate..No luck. Maybe it's just not compatible w/ no$gba. Does anyone know if it is compatible for no$gba? Thanks..will keep trying to adjust the options in no$gba.

  7. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to encrypt the rom and play it on No$gba?

    and check whether your 3D Settings on DeSmuMe was set to Softrasterizer instead of OpenGL.
    or try using the nosse2 build.
  8. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    I tried to encrypt it in encryptds but, each time i tried..it couldnt recognize the rom.