When ever I go to the main site, it loads, and then it turns into a blank page, I checked the source of the site(in the blank page) and it was blank as well... I am using the latest version of FireFox, and I tried in a different browser(Google Chrome) and it still happens. It only happens on the main site(including download pages and such, but not in this forum). Help please.
I can go to the main site just fine, I'm using the latest firefox by the way. Maybe something wrong with your net. Have you tried to go to the site from someplace else ?
Tried that... It isn't problem accessing the site, but the problem is, after it loads the site, it suddenly changes to a blank page, and the status bar says: "Transferring data from jsc.google-analytics.com"
Err well, there's nothing that can really explain it then, try disabling javascript through firefox and see if that makes a difference. Sounds like the google analytics javascript is messing up.