I didn't think it sucked. PS if it comes for the DS it will be for 3DS. DS graphics were horrible at the Sims. And yes I'm interested for it to come to Wii.
Don't mind the Pariah (lower caste) as they lack the understanding of playing God 8) These ports may not be as good as the PC mother game, but I'm guessing it might be good too.
I played some The sims, the second, but really, it sucks in my opinion, I don't like it at all. I think that it will be so great for those who like it but have consoles, now you will enjoy it and that's what counts.
Yes we know it is out there for PC for too long time. But I guess the topic's owner meant that it is going to be a port into the consoles?
Yayyyy DS Version Sims 3 XD very soon also golden sun,super scribblenauts,duke nukem All DS XD Fun 2010! Post Merge: [time]1285733486[/time] http://au.ds.ign.com/articles/109/1095339p1.html
yup i'm talking about console. well sims 2 for ps2 wasnt bad at all. except for the pet version... that is horrible. well i heard this time they are goig to keep everything that PC have in to the console version and look like they add a new feature, karma point where we get to spend karma point to help our sims or torture them XD. i'm going for torturing them XD