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The possible maybe unsure uprising of America.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by JupiterJiveGuitarist, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    I figured this would be a pretty interesting quick chit for anyone living in the United States like myself. Now, surely you've heard constantly over and web and occassionally on the news channels actually about the possibility of citizens actually stepping in to revolt because of the poor communication between the government and it's people, along side a slew of assorted hassles. Now this isn't saying it will occur, because I for one don't think it will.

    But I will say: Taxes still phenominal, the housing market isn't as fixed as I think we're hoping it is, and when enough people do get together in a protest to try and have their voices heard, it's commonly on deaf ears as the news doesn't play it( Look up Boston tea party protests ) and the government doesn't acknowledge it?

    Do you say enough? Or do you say patience? Add your own reasons to why or why not, as the 3 I put up there are only the more well known ones is all.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    be greatful for what you have. the UK is in a much worse state and verging on civil war.
  3. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    Well that's the reason I don't think any uprising will really happen. I mean as much of a hassle as it is, we do have options to get some incredible stuff, and even struggling now and then we have more than some other countries.

    Sadly, America doesn't have a reputation of keeping us too informed of our allies across the shore, so I have no idea what's going on in the UK. If it's anything like you're saying then I hope there can be a resolve sooner than never.
  4. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I say be happy with what you got.
    Brazil is worst, hospitals, education, corruption, yeyo, etc.
    If at least we got the "problems" that you got...we woulda be happy.
  5. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    Now I do know that mexico is getting tense over 2010 because of the insurgency over there against the drug lords and local government. One guy I spoke too was convinced that mexico would be involved with another grand scale war within the year on the basis that the 10's( 1810, 1910, et cetra ) of the centuries always bring in a violent conflict.

    With you in Brazil, is anyone down there worried that if something with mexico happened than South America would be put into the situation as well?
  6. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    If anyone was worried, things would be different, It's a world wide organization man.
  7. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    In what respect;Ive not seen or heard anything
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    public getting fed up in general, the government ignoring them in every respect when its not what they want to hear, immigrants getting everything while pensioners freeze to death, war in iraq/afghanistan, lack of jobs, no sign of economic recovery despite all the assurances from westminister, very little actual action being taken over the expenses scandal, being forced into the EU without a mandate, no credible opposition government (david cameron cant make his mind up what day it is, let alone what his policies are). Plus, its the second year running we've been caught unprepared for a cold snap, which points to failures in central government. Add on to that gordon brown spending billions of taxpayer's money that we don't have, on things that are of no benefit to this country.
  9. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Be happy that you live in America, I know i am.
    I grew up in the Philippines and when i try and compare the economic and political status of the two countries, well... let's just say that america has it easy.

    The Philippines have suffered through nearly two decades of corruption. And not the ones where the government hides their dealings, I'm talking about pure, out-in-the-open, no holds-barred, money grabbing corruption. What's worse is they're doing it while the country is in a steady economic decline. Toss in drug trafficking, human trafficking, the upcoming war against the moro-islamic liberation front, the maguindanao massacre and loads of other crap happening, compared to that America is a utopia.

    I'm not saying that America doesn't have it's fair share of crap. I'd just rather live here for awhile than back home.
  10. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    But the English take all that crap on the chin-they will do nothing about it.All them Immigrants and the poor will vote Labour and the problems continue.

    Britain is full of Joe Dakis and Grave Diggers-and the influx of Mr Sheenies dont help either LOL
  11. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I like how you're implying that people actually have the motivation to do anything. It's basic governmental practice - you occupy them so they can't attempt to revolt. I'd be willing to bet money that people are so busy trying to keep their own heads above water that only a small minority will take action, and that "action" will be as weak as the proverbial dishwater. You seem to be reasonably educated, don't tell me they don't cover Tony Benn's theories on governmental practice?

    That applies to America as well. The reason nothing's getting done there, however, is because governmental policies are being blocked by the Republicans at every turn.
  12. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    It's true. The house of Reps turned into an octagon, and the senates' becoming as entertaining as gladiators. Yeah they finally passed the healthcare bill, but there's been so many rewrites; hundreds of pages left and right, I doubt some of them even know all the tiny details in it's 700 or so pages.

    I do agree with that government practice also. It's come to a point that middle class is practically non existent, so everyone is attempting to not drown or to not get their yacht too filthy. Beside, it's illegal to form an organization that opposes the government really.

    Technically, it's treason.

    And from what everyone here on the board and streets is saying, about civil unrest practically everywhere, is it possible that the 2010's could be a period of history we don't really want?
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    >implying senators normally read all the fine print

    Sedition actually, but let's not get into semantics. In addition, because of this practice people aren't making informed decisions. It's how you keep people in line in a democracy. You confuse them and make sure they're unaware of the power they actually have.

    Sure, just as it was possible for the last decade to be a shitfight. It could go either way.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Treason is no longer a crime in this country; Tony Blair abolished our treason laws so he couldn't be prosecuted under them (selling out the country to the EU with no mandate amounts to treason).

    Yes, the British are an incredibly tolerant people, and yes, they are rather lethargic. BUT, like everything, these qualities have limits, and when those limits are exceeded, (which isn't far off) all hell will break loose.
  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Twenty bucks says they won't. There might be a couple of protests, and maybe some tear gas and riot shields will be taken out of storage, but it won't be big enough to enact a change unless someone dies and can be turned into a figurehead.
  16. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Well,racial war had already happened in my country.Soon the group that started it will take over the country if our government stay lazy...
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    people already have died. The police killed someone at the G20 protests (someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the protests, as it happened), and there was another protest in which someone died as a result of heavy handed policing.
  18. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I fear the exact same thing as you, for the UK. I live fairly close to London, and I ventured up to the G20 summit protests, and there was something weird about the air. I am not one for all this 'feeling' and 'sensing' stuff normally, but there was just some sort of paranoia -- you could really sense something within the crowd. I don't know if it was because the police were scared, and, if I were policing the summit, I would have been, but I think that was definitely the start of something.
    I think it is just the general bull**** that England, mostly, have had to put up with under Labour since Tony Blair. I know the people of this country are very versatile and, for the most part, nice people. But there will have to be some sort of change soon. It only takes one person to start an uprising, and one person with great enough will power to strike change.

    We need a new breed of politicians, young thinkers and people who are dynamic in regard to multiculturalism. As it is, well, I wouldn't say a revolt is off of the cards - What starts small may one day end up big. As it is, we are much like an occupied country, living off of the memory of our ideals and past brilliance and failing to see what we have now, and what it will end up being. Once the nation itself sees what has changed, and how badly it has changed (even all this with the BBC and taking things off of air because someone was offended. Is this really Britain? Really?) there may be something in the water.

    Those are my thoughts. Take them as you will, but when you're still lingering in recession, when other countries are crawling out, it makes you wonder what the hell the government is governing. Most likely their expenses.
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    In light of this, I'm changing my view from "hah" to "hm". Open revolt would be something to see.

    That's always been the case, dontcha know?
  20. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    Hm, it might've been better if I named this thread the uprising of the world, seeing as how the feeling of the normal class and below is mutual.

    My original comment was agreeing there wouldn't be a revolt in America. However, about everyones comments pertaining to their homelands, it makes me want to digress with my original thought and bring in the possibility this could happen.

    I did hear about the death at G20, vaguely though. The news didn't bring much light to it; But the news never puts much emphasis on the large scale protests that go on here either. it's usually late night news or briefly mentioned as a phase rather than a movement. Which sucks when your opinion as a civillian or a citizen is brought up just to make us happy.

    Since it seems to be the same group of people talking in this thread, I bring up another question in light of the main view.

    Say most of you are absolutely correct, and that soon enough your country has a blown out resistance. How would you handle the situation? Do you prepare yourself to fight, or do you stick to survival and make it through? To everyone who has uprises in their country( Scarface, Kratos ), it'd be nice to hear how to handle it; So long as it doesn't bring up bad memories.