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The perfect christmas gift...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lille_mac, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    well, school's over for me and it's time for me to start christmas shopping.
    So, i have a big brother and i was wondering what is the perfect christmas gift. :) Thanks
  2. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    Well, that could vary. Do you have any idea as to what he likes. If you know that you can probably think of something to get him.
  3. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    A ps3!! :D lol thats what i got... LAST christmas... i guess i could get a few games for it THIS christmas
  4. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Money. Thats what Im giving to every one this year.... that and a card to put the money in.
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    The "perfect" gift would be to give him some money so he can get whatever he wants.

    Fast, easy, and I highly doubt he'd complain about it being a bad gift. :p
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Money for christmas would never go in my family, it's just so impersonal and cold. If you really don't know what your brother might like then you should probably spend some more time with him.
  7. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    sorry for not replying earlier(went to sleep :-[) but what my big brother likes is i think games just like me
    and he has an xbox 360. SO, maybe a live ID or a good game. if anyone owns an xbox
    360 and knows some great games please reply, thanks. ;)

    PS. money wouldn't do, not in my family... :-\
  8. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Well, I have no idea what types of games your brother likes...

    For a shooter, you could get him Gears of War (1 or 2) / Fallout 3 / Left 4 Dead...all of them look pretty fun =p

    For an RPG Fable 2 (loved the first one, never tryed the second one though =/)
  9. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    i have seen all the trailers and i think i will get either gears of war 2 or fableor maybe both.
    Because both looked really good :p. Thx, Datanotfound for the great suggestions.
  10. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Get him drugs...everyone likes drugs!

    or if for some reason he doesnt what that then get him some xbla points
  11. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Peace and quiet. Solitude is always a nice gift.......but then again, I'm introverted.
  12. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    Next year get him my game !
  13. asibrycec

    asibrycec Member

    Hmm for your big brother ehh, hmmm it really depends on what he likes and enjoy most. If he's a huge fan of games and leans towards hard core graphics and fps games then get him a ps3 or a high end pc, if he's a casual gamer give him psp or ds (or dsi if possible). Lastly though if he likes getting chicks then give him one I mean an organize date with one of your friends older sister < should be pretty and hot lol. ^___^ or if you cant give him one of those give him cookies
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Fighting: Dead or Alive (any)
    Shooter: Gears of War (1 or 2)
    RPG: Fable (1 or 2)
    Other: Points for the 360 Market thing....
  15. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member


    ill try all of them and of course if somebody robs me i should always have a plan B



    i think my brother is more of a shooter guy so i will probably get him GoW and my plan B

    "Points for the 360 Market thing...." like u call it ;D
  16. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Give him.

    A Cheeseburger coupon.
  17. lazites

    lazites Active Member

    a ps3 or psp

    I'm totally a sony fanboy
  18. asibrycec

    asibrycec Member

    Oh hmm your brother is an fps gamer hmm lets see he likes shooting stuff hmmm you can try getting him halo 3, bioshock < i heard theres online contents for this game or get him gta 4 ^____^
  19. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    dead space is pretty cool for a shooting game or any call of duty game... :p
  20. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Hmph - recommendations. All of which are shooters, excluding Castle Crashers. And all of which are rated "M", excluding Castle Crashers (should that matter, and it looks as if it doesn't from other posts/posters).

    Dead Space - excellent atmosphere, fantastic gunplay and an involving story make for a wholly frightening and amazing experience. Not for the faint of heart.

    Fallout 3 - a beautifully immersive game universe with all the exploration that you'll ever need. Again, not for the faint of heart or easily sickened.

    Castle Crashers (LIVE game) - hilariously fun multiplayer game that takes from side-scrolling beat-'em-ups of old and makes it even more fun. Great for parties.

    Left 4 Dead - multiplayer bliss + fantastic atmosphere, characterization, and ghoulies = four metric tons of awesome.

    Bioshock - still the best 360 game there is.

    Otherwise, if you can't think of any 360-related gifts, a LIVE account/points would be great, especially if you have some games you've been eying or want to play online. And if you REALLY want to break the mold, you could get a gift that is NOT a game but is still meaningful/hilarious on a personal level. You'd never think that a mailbox would be a good gift, but my group of friends turned it into the best, most ironic, most hilarious gift to have ever been given.