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The outdoors are indeed dangerous

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    There is another topic with similarly the same title as this one but this one's a little serious than that:

    We hear about it alot on the news, the crap WE humans made in the past century & a half have finally shown disastrous effects, thus the outdoors does seem more & more dangerous. There's global warming, the ozone layer hole & the polar ice slowly melting.

    But what do all these have anything to do with the average person? Are they even really THAT big of a deal?

    I myself feel that there really have been drastic changes, though they may seem little things at first but on a larger longer scale are infact alarming!!

    Take the past 2 decades, when I was still a wee little lad the seasonal changes, the cycle of spring, summer, fall & winter were constant throughout every year. We here in the tropics only have two seasons, a dry hot season & a rainy wet season. Years passed, summer (the hottest time of the year) usually begin on March then lasts 'til the third week of May, sometimes 'til the first week of June. The rainy season usually begin at around august then lasts 'til the end of october or 'til the first week of november. Then comes the "cold" season at around Christmas.

    But, in the last couple of years I noticed that there is no longer a definite "summer" or hot period, when Febuary draws to an end (3rd or 4th week),things get a lot hotter & by mid April we record a feverish 39 degrees (sorry I don't know the shortcut for the "degrees" symbol)!! The rainy season too is out of whack nowadays we get typhoons on december, not just regular typhoons, but "super typhoons"!!!

    We have a Christmas song that has the lines "Malamig ang simoy ng hangin, kay saya ng bawat tanawin"" which translates to "The Air (or ambiance or atmosphere) sure is breezy, Everywhere you look everyone's so happy" but since the climate changed we jokingly change the lyrics to "Malakas ang bugso ng hangin, kay lungkot ng bawat tanawin" which translates to "The winds sure are strong, everywhere you look everyone's lost their homes".
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    England used to get inches or even feet of snow in winter (1 inch = 2.5CM, 1 foot = 12 inches) about 20 years ago; now we virtually never get any. In addition, weather variations have been more extreme, I have worn t-shirts in late September, and in this summer we had record levels of flooding.
  3. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Global cooling there..extremely hot still here. :-\
  4. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    We've had 3 major snowstorms this week. Worst winter in a long time...
  5. kaiden

    kaiden Well-Known Member

    It was so hot here in australia 45 degrees celcius we recorded a heatwave - i needed to go outside for pool sex.
  6. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    We got so little snow here in New York City... :-\
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well there is a saying that "Human is the cancer of Mother Nature", well if you think properly, that is true....

    ancient human is a explorer, they move to other place after used up all the resources on that place, then human learn to settle down with aricalture and finally human become inventor to improve human life, but most human invention arent good for mother nature, like Car, it help us travel faster, but at the same time, produce bad gas (Methanol and Carbon dioxide).....even though we finally know about that and we try to fix that, but it might be too late as in Mother Nature already releasing her rage upon us >.<
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah & even if its just scientific theory the whole living Gaea Earth theory (states that the planet is actually a living entity) seems to be true & momma Earth's pissed as hell on us!! :-\
  9. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    Only a month ago it was hailing golfballs here in Sydney. :-\
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Did anyone get a concussion? :p
  11. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    just a sign of the end of the world
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Since you mentioned that do you think the "big one"s almost upon us??
  13. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    Not for a while. You guys still have time to do whatever it is you want to accomplish before we all explode or get eaten by zombie dinosaurs (thats mother natures plan I hear)
  14. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Consider yourself lucky.
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    What if those people saying aliens'll come & invade probably destroy us all in december 22, 2012? They say it was even predicted by the incas (or mayans, I think)? ???

    That's like four years from now :eek:
  16. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Well, better start enjoying youself now.
  17. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    Those people my friend, read those fake tabloids and believe they're real. The Mayans also believed in sacrificing children so the sun would come up.
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The mayan calendar was way too acurate for its time was it not, and they acurately recorded when the seasons changed and when there would be a lunar/solar eclipse. But what about the last date on the stone calendar thing, why'd it end on december 22, 2012? Was there another calendar thing that the researcher overlooked that countinues the date record from December 23, 2012 onwards, 'cause for a time that scared the hell outta me!?
  19. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    we actually had an almost snow white Christmas this year... almost... 4 days before Christmas we had 2 days snow...I think the year calculation of ME (Mother Earth) was a bit off ;D
  20. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    They disappeared suddenly and nobody knows why. They may have been researching after that date, when they suddenly disappeared. There is no evidence why the earth would end so abruptly, and you can't base your facts off of an unfinished calender.