So i came across a video on Youtube, called The Only Thing I Know by CirrusEpix. After watching it, i was like "Hey! This would be a great debate topic on Romulation." And so here it is, to those who are curious to what i am talking about or to those who already watched it. As a gaming community, i think this is a great video to start a debate on something we all enjoy and love, Video games. But how much video games is too much? We may not take this seriously, but exactly why do we spend thousands of hours playing video games when they have no life-lasting value? It won't help your career, (unless your being a game designer or having a video game related job), it takes time away from the important things in life such as friends and family. Although i have no preferential "side" in this, I'm eager to hear everyone's comments about this topic.
That may be true, but I'm generally speaking to the mainstream gaming going on. People may get payed to play video games, but i haven't met someone that does, or actually spends their career on playing video games. I'm usually talking about people that are thinking about being an engineer, doctor, scientist, etc. For them, gaming probably takes a toll in their time and money.
Games are like any other hobby, different people have different reasons for playing them, generally people play them for fun or to chill out. Saying that people have better things to do with their time implies that you know more about their own personal terms of self-fulfilment than they do. People are capable of having more than one thing going on in their life, people whom play games aren't forced against their will to degenerate into feckless zombies because of a sprite on a screen; whether they do is entirely their choice. "What I say may upset a few of you". Yes, it may upset a few people whom are gullible and lazy enough to attribute computer games to their failures in life. If someone wants to do something that they have the means to accomplish yet don't do it; that's because of their lack of drive, blaming it on something entirely within their control just proves that they are pathetic. Cue other people posting "I play video games and I hold down a good job and do well in school and have a loving partner, I'm not a bum" et cetera. Cue other people posting "Video games ruined my life, I smoke pot every hour of the day and dropped out of college 'cos I missed classes 'cos of my gam3s man. But oh well, at least I shall forever have my Poke'manz <3<3<3".
Moderation, practice it, have fun. Seriously, if you've played video games and became overweight, and got divorced, there's something wrong with the way that person is comporting with their life, it's not the fault of video games, it's something wrong with the person's habits. Blaming video games is just as pathetic as getting divorced and getting overweight because you spent a lot of your time playing games. Don't forgot we can easily replace the word video games and in place put any other form of entertainment. I play video games and I hold down a good job and do well in school and have a loving partner, I'm not a bum
Don't have much to say , just because i am familiar with video games since I am a kid,can get some different life experience which I can't experience in real lift .
How much video games is too much? Meh, if you really have to think about it, that means something is wrong with the way you spend your life and only that, not the games themselves.
I play video games to fill in the time because sometimes I get bored of sexing people and my work never suffers because I'm pretty much a genius.
Are you by any chance not an American, Canadian, British, European or Korean? If so, you really won't find Professional gamers that easily. In the US, Canada, The UK, some European countries & Korea Professional gaming IS indeed an established career. And one that leads to celebrity status (stardom) too. Here's a sample video of the World Cyber Games (WCG) Highlights. And WTF!? We actually had a team (Philippines) who entered this!? Too bad we sucked ass though.
i play games all the time, cant hold a job, but thats not b/c i want to get my charmander to evolve its because i got a shitty attitude towards stupid people.. i always seem to get another job... if you're playing to many video games its because youre playing them all at the same time in my opinion..(i.e simulating matches in fire pro ps2 style while playing morrowind on the pc... you think if charles manson had a next gen console he would've found time to commit his crimes? who knows? haha
Generally its easier to have relationships when you don't withstand the tension of having to look good, be good on words and whatnot. Games generally take a bunch a people with common interests and "link" them by one subject, with you can't do easily with people you don't know well. It requires less effort. On the game addiction stuff, it's simple matter. Every type of addiction is bad. In fact, everything in excess is bad: -If you play too much games you're a game addict. -If you clean something too much you have cleaning obssession(OCD). -If you love someone too much you're obssessed by him/her(also OCD). -If you drink too much you're an alchoolholic(hope I spelled right). -If you do too much sex you're a ninphomaniac. -If you steal too much money you're either a criminal or politic. And so on...
This video really pissed me off. He pretty much blames his crappy life on games, and then suggests that because he stopped playing them we all should. My life (and probably a bunch of yours) would blow major chunks without games. And that stuff about games having no value in life is complete bullshit. For one, just the sheer entertainment is a great thing, because too much boredom can REALLY mess you up. And games can be extremely profound. The real good ones are better than almost any book, or song, or painting, or whatever have you. Some of the deepest, most emotional stuff you will ever see are in games. But yeah, that walk in the park is SOOOOOOOO much more important. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE PLAYS GAMES DOESN'T MEAN THEY ARE A FAT, SOULLESS,INFERIOR PERSON! I don't insult you for (just an example) playing football, so don't insult me for grinding for a while to beat that next boss.
nice vid, good narration, prolly coz his a teacher. Reminded me of this featured special by a tv station (GMA 7) here in the Philippines about teenagers namely high school kids, garbage boys, and elementary kids that spent about 8 hours a day, 7 days a week playing DOTA, flyff, and whatnot. A good reminder I guess for people like me that likes to play video games excessively. Just the thing about reading. - Reading a book is fun and all, but being a close spectator to epic storylines that are usually found in videogames makes it easier for my non-imaginative brain to grasp the sublimity of the story. Oh..and can someone please tell me what video game he showed right after the FF7?
I only want a simple life, with video games to fill in time...from shift to shift. As long as I have internet, and some cash, a roof over my head and someone to talk to other than online contacts, I'll be fine.