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The Nintendo DS Touchscreen.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by johnx, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Ok I am wondering if people prefer there games have touchscreen or not.
    Some games need touch screen to be playable and some games are awesome with it.
    But I was wondering do you prefer using touch screen in games.
    For example let's say another Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy was releasing on the DS.
    Would you want it to have some touch screen gameplay.
    Like maybe to do a special attack you need to do something with the touchscreen.
    Or maybe it will be completely controlled by touchscreen.

    I would prefer it didn't have touchscreen because:
    1. I have a crack in my touch screen so if I have to tap in a specific place it annoys me.
    2. I just don't really like using it at times.

    As I said before some games need touchscreen and some games are awesome with it (Like Zelda).
    Please leave a comment to tell me what you prefer.
    Sorry if there's another topic like this.
  2. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I like touchscreen games that use the touch screen well.

    But generally, I like using the touch screen. It's what makes the DS different from all the other gaming consoles, and it's a fun experience, unless a certain game ruins it, then I'd like to stick to buttons.
  3. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Honestly - why play a game that only uses the lower touch screen as a visual aid, on the Nintendo Dual Screen, when a game that uses the system for what its made for is out there.
    But yeah - I play games with or without the touch ^__^
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Are you using a rock as a stylus or what?

    Anyway I'm fine with the touchscreen and dancubs pretty much said it for me

  5. ybom

    ybom Well-Known Member

    I think the games that are so infinitely creative that they require the touchscreen (like Soul Bubbles) should have alternate controls for that just in case scenario. So I prefer games to have both I guess is what I'm trying to say.

    Plus, who wouldn't like to play their favorite touch game when they're overwhelmed and just want to chill and hit buttons?

    I think a good game that pulls this off is Monkeyball Touch, although I despise the genre's sense of what levels are.
  6. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    The question's too vague (or too universal).

    DS games have (as we'd expect) varying controls. It's either using more or less of both digital controls and touch screen controls, and in some cases, only one of the two.
    With this in mind, every game also feels differently. I say it's about presentation, execution, and convenience.
    As an example...
    Metroid Prime: Hunters - The game offers controls that focus on the digital buttons, but most players (if not everyone) will prefer touch screen controls for utmost precision.
    Advance Wars: Dual Strike - Actions in the game can be made by using either method, but convenience goes to digital button control. Less touchy, thus faster and easier.
  7. lopolativo

    lopolativo Well-Known Member

    me, i prefer the buttons
    as using touch screen can be really annoying sometimes
    such as in GOH (glory of heracles) every time the tut teaches you something new
    you have to use the touch screen
    but other games such as warioware i love the touch screen xP
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Being a retor player I'm used to buttons, that said some games with touch screen work wonders.

    MP:H and ninja gaiden ds are awsome examples, as well as the touch generations series.
  9. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Anything I guess..but if we're not gonna use the Touch Screen alot why bother getting a DS? I mean.. you can get a PSP which doesn't need a touchscreen..
  10. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    TWEWY is great example how to use touch screen wee in a game
  11. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    My opinion is Osu! or EBA for the best use of the TOUCHSCREEN ONLY.
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I really enjoy using the touchscreen for games. My only gripe is that I have the original DS have had it since I got it new back when they first released, so my touchscreen no longer calibrates and is getting more and more off in places the more time goes by. It is as simple as getting the screen replaced though, which once I have the cash, I have a friend who will do it for me.

    Anyways, back on the topic, games with just touchscreen controls still work really well on my DS surprisingly. I played/beat Ninja Gaiden on it without any issues, beat Phantom Hourglass, and have had an easy time with Spirit Tracks. There are a few games though, when the choice is given, one option definitely trumps the other. Personally, I prefer using my buttons for anything I can in Scribblenauts since my touchscreen hates me there.

    It all depends on the game and nothing else really.
  13. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    I loved play The World Ends With you and Zelda...
    but I'm happy too that for KH 358/2 days
    I don't need to use the touch screen
  14. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Depends on the game.
    If a game can be controlled better using Touch Screen I don't mind using one.

    And the existence of a Touch Screen can make the developer more creative in creating new type of gameplay.
  15. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    easy, it's whatever method i'm comfortable with.
  16. yazar8

    yazar8 Member

    i like to use touch screen because when i play nintendogs i want to play with my dogs and i put my stylus somewhere and use my fingers... Now my stylus is lost. Dam why did i use my hands for it?İ cant do agility now :))
  17. Shaun_9079

    Shaun_9079 Active Member

    Idunno, I think Nintendo's trying to get ahead of all the other consoles by thinking out of the box. While Sony and Microsoft focus on graphics and online multiplayer, Nintendo's trying out new innovative ways to play games. To answer the topic, depends on the games. Pheonix Wright and Hotel Dusk make pretty good use of the touchscreen because they keep it simple. The World Ends With You Is definitely a good example, too. Most of the games that can't really pull off the touchscreen controls usually still use the buttons as well, though.
  18. shadowball11

    shadowball11 Member

    i dont really like touch screens,before NDS came out i was addicted to my GBA so yehh...not used to touch screen