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The Nintendo 3DS and Romulation

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by slapmeorelse, May 7, 2010.

  1. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    After I heard about the announcement of the Nintendo 3DS, a few questions I'd like to ask came into my mind..

    Will Romulation release 3DS roms? Will there be flashcarts like R4 and AceKard be out for the Nintendo 3DS? How early will they manage to make emulation of the Nintendo 3DS?

    And all kinds of other questions I wanna ask...

    The thing I regret now is getting my AceKard on November '09 and then finding out that the 3DS comes out on April '11. Dang ><
  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    How can anyone answer any of those questions? No one knows enough about it.
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member


    No one knows how easy it will be to dump 3DS roms, nor does anyone know if it will be easy to make flashcart for it. It will most likely be hard since it will be new.
  4. eyeball226

    eyeball226 Well-Known Member

    It's really an exercise in futility to ask these questions. We don't know any specs yet which means we don't know what kind of performance it will have. Even once it's properly revealed, we'll have to wait until the hardware hackers have their hands on it. The development of DS flashcarts was pretty slow. Everything was booted from GBA flashcarts using little pass me boards which needed the Metroid Prime: Hunters demo to work.

    Point is, it's going to be ages before any of the stuff you're asking happens IF it happens. Your Acekard isn't going to become obsolete because I'd be very surprised if commercial ROM playing will be going even by April 2012.
  5. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    In terms of RomU hosting the roms, as it always is, it's up to Seph to decide. It IS his site XD

    I can see it happening though. RomU has every Nintendo handheld hosted. I think they'd be somewhere around the size of PSP games, mainly because they can range from so little to so big (As little as 50 mb, maybe smaller, to 1.5 GB and higher (although I don't see a 3DS game going past a Gig)).
  6. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    It has the same power as the GameCube, so I do think it will take a good amount of space.
  7. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    exactly, which is why I said up to a GB. most good GC games are around that size.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    It won't be THAT powerful, even the ds which mearly looks like it has n64 power, well it's not, not by a long shot...

    Game size will vary, if nintendo tries carts again, expect maybe several mb at the most, if optical media....around gamecube size MAYBE (1.5gb at least).

    But I do advise people to wait, romU will choose what to do, flash cart makers will choose what to do, and WE will chose what to do WHEN IT'S OUT!
  9. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I just want to know how the games will be played on the 3DS.
    I don't know if they are continuing using flashcards.
  10. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    you sir, are epic fail. It was proven that the DS is equal to the N64 in terms of CPU, and it is far superior in graphics (as we've seen). You should really read up on the stats.

    CPU ------- 93.75 MHz
    Graphics - 62.5 MHz

    CPU -------One 67.028 MHz ARM946E-S[2] and one 33.514 MHz ARM7TDMI (all together, 100.5 MHz, which is stronger)
    Graphics - unavailable, but we already know it's better.

    we DO know for sure that it will have a slot 2 section, as it was stated by Ninty that 3DS will be backwards compatible with DS/DSi games.
  11. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member


    What about Slot 1?
    I'm not sure if they are using flashcards.
    But then what are they going to use?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member


    1: N64 has TWO processors, PLUS the graphics processor.
    2: DS CANNOT use both processors at the same time.
    3: two processors CANNOT be summed to make a processor with a speed the sum of the two parts.
    4: DS does not have a dedicated graphics processor, it uses cycles from the main CPU.
  13. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    uhm, no. It has two processors. One CPU, one graphic.


    I'm pretty sure you're right about the DS stuff though.
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    2: It is possible, but it is difficult for both of them to communicate or work simultaneously in terms of sharing memory (shared RAM etc., otherwise IPC is used), so it's only really done if it's needed, and not even then, because it puts strain on the processor (particularly ARM9) performance. Both processors should be left to do its own designed tasks (particularly ARM7), so it's a little irrelevant to point out here. I doubt any real performance could be gained anyway.

    4: The GPU is integrated within the processor chip, but it still offers many options.
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Has this gone off topic? Well. I don't think there would be ROMs for 3DS games. Since it uses that super "3D technology without glasses" thing. Even if they somehow dump a ROM, it may not run perfectly due to the 3DS probably having some sort of crazy technology that only allows hard copies
  16. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Most DSi enhanced games can't be dumped properly.
    So most likely the 3DS games will be the same.
  17. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the opinions you guys (and sorry for bumping topic)

    Well, I'll guess I'll do like what I did when I first got a DS and prolly start buying actual copies of games like everyone else..

    HOWEVER I'm still confident hackers may be able to dump ROMs (or at least ISO's) since it's done with even the CURRENT-generation consoles. Even if we have to load and play downloaded commercial games in a strange way, it beats having to practically throw away your wallet.

    'Nuff said (for now).
  18. Kresn1k

    Kresn1k Active Member

    well... also nintendo said that the "3ds" will be featuring a mayor AP measure, so, first lets wait till is out, then, wait for a hacker to buy it, then wait to see what that hack found, and wait to see if the ap can be easily crack´d for a flashcart to came, then lets wait to see how the games can be dumped, then will all wait... anything else that follows.
  19. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    ... So they WERE watching us...
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that image doesnt show the cpus, it shows the division between sound and graphics, which are handled by the same chip. The so-called '64 bit' cpu is actually two 32 bit cpus. All the buses are 64 bit, so it could be argued that nintendo were correct in calling it 64 bit even though the processor isnt. The atari jaguar did the same thing, it was claimed to be 64 bit when it actually only had two 32 bit processors (and a 16 bit and an 8 bit from memory) The main difference is the jaguar did not have 64 bit buses, therefore the jaguar was arguably not 64bit in any shape or form.