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The Moderator Effect

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rock91, Jan 28, 2010.

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  1. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    TME is a forum based disease. Newbie users and also Expert users can have this affection. Basically this affection, consists in posting threads that the users already know that they are going to be locked, but they still post crap, just for the fun of it and to get attention from others. TME is very common among the forums. Users just cannot get rid of this disease, exept through Common Sense. Yes, there is a cure ladies and gentlemen.It's called COMMON SENSE.

    Do you suffer from this disease?
    If so, do you intend to cure it or let it expand?
    And what type of crappy thread did you make still knowing that it's going to be locked (Please post name only)?



    As for me:

    I suffer from TME for 3 months now. Making stupid threads all the time. But I'm beggining to cure myself of it. It's HARD believe me. But the antidote is kicking in pretty fast :D . I no loger make as many idiotic and meaningless threads. Maybe the moderators will lock this thread too but I hope they don't. It's threads like theese that prevent the ignition of other stupid and useless threads.
    Also I made some pretty horrific threads alright :p . I remember making a counting game of some sort. Can't remember the name thou. Remnoca locked it and I apreciated it. It was only for the thrill to be locked and the joy of getting some attention from people on the forum. Of course the attention wasn't always good :p . Yes there were some clashes between me and some moderators but in the end it is all solved. I am almost clean of my sins and I love it.
    Clean yourseves of TME as fast as you can, because in the end you mite pay a severe price and regret it.

    note: This is a fictional disease, yet it's encountered all over the net.
  2. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    hopefully this post will soon become ironic.
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Did you just make a thread about how you make too many threads?

  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I suffer from the moderator effect. I've been secretly suffering from it for 2 and half years now. I can't help but go into topics and think "Wow, I should lock this stupid piece of shit since it's stupid and stuff" and when I realize what I just thought, I'm like *gasp* FUCK, MODERATOR EFFECT AGAIN! /wrist /wrist

    I usually end up deleting shit instead as a result. Either that or swearing profusely at people and banning them. Then I realize I got hit by the moderator effect again and I end up slashing my throat since my wrists are already slashed to all hell since I don't half-ass self-mutilation like some sort of pansy.

    I'm gonna have to slash something else now since I posted in this topic and only moderators and admins can do that and I'm not an admin. FUCK
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