I typed in "post a pic of yourself" (because there is yet another one that's shown up and I wanted to use pics from the previous one...which I can't find) and it gave me this.. "You must enter 2 characters or more" Even on the advanced search I can't find it....if this happens to me while searching for a topic we have a few of..what hope do new users have so they don't make clone topics? Any advice here?
http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1634 how bout that mod? but seriosly it's unnecessary
Mod is not compatible with our search mod. We do not use standard search. There is no point in this. There are no good search words less than 3 characters. I, to, no, do etc are not good search terms so no point in allowing them.
So that means "A" is invalid? I also tried the "match exact" option and I was expecting for it to find an exact thread name... This is not easy enough for morons like myself to use (I know what I am thank you very much ) So I'd have to type... "post picture yourself" And it'd work better? ...Can't we set it or have it to search an exact phrase-I can live with finding things that I type exact (since I found many results) since some topics I know the name...it's just pushed back way to far to find be page flipping.
Why not better yet use the best search system ever created? Google? Just put "post a pic of yourself site:romulation.net" and check out the results for yourself. It definitely beats anything SMF can offer.
I still prefer altavista from long ago..even if no longer updated... But it did indeed work-Looks like I'll be ignoring that annoying bar once more Sorry to pester as always romU staff, what happens now is your choice (lock or leave-your choice-I'm not fussed)
Actually the forum search IS better, Google does not have all topics indexed. The forum search is based on Sphinx which is the same thing the main site search is based on and it's a lot more scalable and a lot more accurate than the default SMF search.
But I found the topics I was looking for via google strangely. I tried the way I thought was advised (and removed all wording of less than 2 letters) and found only the newest topic-thanks to google I found rock91's v2 of the thread (but it seems v1 was deleted...possibly by the topic starter who is an ex mod now). It seems to be alot friendlier to use google it seems, though it may lack full into...it beats typing in just "pokemon" and wading thru all the drudge along the way.
the OLD ones....but if you search for newer topics, then most likely you won't find them with google because they are probably not indexed yet as seph stated. Who knows when the bots will scoop up the newer topics. Use google or the OLD topics and the search or the NEW topics
I was looking for the older topics-I don't really want to search for topics that are right there. Seeing soo many duplicate topics, I want to find the older threads, the newer ones I see anyway without searching at all.