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The Force Unleashed (NDS) impressions

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by adriskrayzee, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    The gameplay... why the hell did they think that making the commands touch-screen only would be a good idea? You don't do anything with the buttons other than moving and blocking, they tried to go interactive with the combos but it ends up being frustrating if you ask me.
    Now that I've judged the gameplay, which is the most important thing in a game (IMO), lets talk about graphics. It has the usual choppy squared visuals that most "I only exist because of the trademark" games have, starting your first mission (Not the Vader "tutorial") you see the Jedi that you need to assassinate, his sword is so badly done that I couldnt bare to look at it. Another very disappointing thing is the physics, hell Chocobo Fables has better physics than this game.

    I just hope that the Wii version doesnt suck, since its the only next-gen console I own.

    So for those who have already played this game, what are your thoughts?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well it worked for PH, it's not the right choice for every game though. What specific physics are you talking about?
  3. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    God no. This is nothing like Phantom Hourglass, which used pixel shading, this is just plain bad attempt at creating a full 3d environment.
    And by physics, I mean the force pushes, when you push an enemy, its body movement is always the same, and if you push object they will always move in the same direction or shatter the same way.
  4. pat raimondo

    pat raimondo Member

    starwars unleashed

    I had to take a sec to post this
    the gameplay is smooth, clever controls.
    the grfx look real nice
    u start as vader!!!how wicked
    So far not too easy or hard, doing cool loghtsabre combos

    anyway, if u havent yet try this!!
    Im buying this one 4 sherr,
    im still playin phantom hourglass!_best ds game ever?
    but this ones definately up there
    thanks again romulation!
  5. aquaboy123

    aquaboy123 Active Member

    Re: starwars unleashed

    yeah this game was released 3 days early and its pretty good
  6. aquaboy123

    aquaboy123 Active Member

    i think it is pretty good and unique style of controls makes it addictive
  7. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I guess I had higher expectations for this.
    Maybe because I am accustomed to the Jedi Knight Series controls.
  8. aquaboy123

    aquaboy123 Active Member

    at first i didn't like the controls because i never saw them befroe now im getting used to them and its gotten much better, but still not as good as the other star wars. :D
  9. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    oo i got this game just now and ive been playing it for a while now... Its a great game controls are unique and fun
  10. hp.not1ze

    hp.not1ze Active Member

    i don't really like this game.

    I give it a 2.5 out of 10.

    I don't really like the controls and the graphics are bad and the game is too easy.

    Plus, i cant be on the jedi
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    On the contrary, you do play as vader but the level design is so linear and unexciting.
    The graphics are obviously crap (I knew that before downloading).
    The force grip isn't as good as the PSP version (in the PSP version, you can actually move it around like in the console versions. This one, you can only lift up...and then that's it).

    According to gameinformer, the Wii version is the inferior of the other two consoles.
    It is really a different game. You still have the vader tutorial, but the objectives and story sequences are different.
    The action isn't as explosive, nor are the cutscenes, but as a tradeoff, your Wii controls are rather precise (FINALLY!).
    If you want all of the graphic "pizzaz" and its full potential, then play it on one of the other systems. (Issue 186, p.98)

    The Wii version is still good, but just from your critique of this game, it seems that you like gameplay and graphics, the 360 and PS3 still have that.
  12. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    The controles, graphics, and over all gameplay are much better in the nex-gen consoles than the DS. Id rather play it on 360 than the DS
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You really can't compare next-gen with the DS version.
    However, you can compare the PSP version with this one, and the PSP version is more like the console ones.
  14. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I know you play as Vader, I meant in the first apprentice's mission, when he needs to assassin General Kota. Kota's sword looks beyond crap.
    I do agree that the cutscenes on the Wii look like crap, but I am really enjoying the gameplay, it's been a while since I had that same experience that I had with the Jedi Knight series. The Jedi Knight series are still better though.
  15. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    NDS game looks and plays crappy. I've played the 360 demo though and that was AMAZING because it actually did everything you hoped it would.
    I'm still in the vader part because I just didn't have enough gusto to keep pushing through it. To dry for my taste.
  16. t0mmyTC

    t0mmyTC Active Member

    it sucks dont evem try it
  17. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    i actually think the wii version is the best version of the force unleashed so far. to tell you the truth the 360 and PS3 versions of force unleashed getting boring after a while because of the controls (i.e. it's all buttons). however the wii version has motion controls, and while it may get tedious eventually, it's certainly more rewarding. not only that but the wii version has an exclusive jedi temple level(s) which help make up for the extra kashyyk (sp?) lvls on the 360/PS3 versions.

    plus wii has multiplayer ;D.

    however, what the wii version doesnt have is the physics, which kinda suck :-\
  18. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    why not try it? why so negative? i tried it and liked it, please give it a try before just turning it down like that.