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The first game

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by smashbrosmk, Nov 4, 2009.

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  1. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    What has been the first game you have ever played? What did you think about the game when you played it?

    My first game was Crash Bandicoot: Warped! I never knew what a bandicoot was the first time when I was a kid, but it was my first encounter in the video game world, anyway!

    I hated this level.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You must be young if this is your first....

    The first I ever played-while it was made before I was born was probotector.


    It's a reskin of contra.


    Something about germany not wanting violence forced them to re-skin it for PAL territories-like australia :)

    Or tetris-not sure which came first-if it was tetris it would have been before my memory kicked in...prehaps 5 yrs?
  3. Fumiko

    Fumiko New Member

    I remember playing Super Mario 64 on my brother's Nintendo, and failing epicly...
    I can also recall Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64), where I didn't even have a clue of what to do.
    Yeah, me playing was basically me mashing random buttons...and failing...

    *Sigh* Memories...
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I worked out those 2 as soon as I got them-sure I was young but I worked them out.

    Mario is about jumping and grabbing stuff-lylat wars...you shoot everything.

    When I got my n64 I went game crazy-before that I wanted to be a sports star XD
  5. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    My first game was super break out for the Atari 2600. I remember my dad bringing home the Atari and one game. He then bought Ateroids and at that time it cost $89.00 for that game. My dad always tells that story, laqst time I heard it was when I introduced him to used Xbox 360 games for $9.99 lol
  6. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    That was one of my favorite levels!

    As for me, it was either the first Crash Bandicoot or the Gameboy Tetris, I can't remember
  7. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    First game I ever played?

    Hmmm... Mario on SNES? I'm not sure about it though...
  8. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    I hated the level because of those freaking guys conjuring up fire with stones!!!!
    Post Merge: [time]1257357803[/time]
    One more thing: I added a new poll!
  9. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    I believe this was the first game I've ever played: [​IMG] Astro Warrior with Hang-On.

    (I could be completely wrong, I don't remember that far back. =/)
  10. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    tet rice!
  11. MCboy110

    MCboy110 New Member

    donkey kong country was my first game. i played it and played it and played it everyday
  12. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member


    this was the first game i played
  13. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

    i think it was pokemon yellow . . . I D K
  14. teserut

    teserut Guest

    Kirby's dreamland =D. Always couldn't beat extra mode... till now i got a gb emulator and i beat it =D. I remember the button combination from all those years ago... up + select + B
  15. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Same like mds :D
    I still have no idea how me and my friend manage to beat the game back then =3=
  16. SonicSantuary

    SonicSantuary Well-Known Member

    sonic 2 isnt up there........
  17. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    Changed the poll!
  18. SmR_696

    SmR_696 Guest

    The atari games were my first ever
  19. Trancechaotic

    Trancechaotic Active Member

    I have no idea what the first game I played was. Something on Atari or NES. I'd sit there with my siblings playing Blaster Master, Contra, and Mario all day and night. No clue what the names are of the Atari games I played. Love the wood paneling.
  20. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    dont see nuthin..
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