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The Factbook

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by kanwarrulz_123, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Come on, guys let's post any intereting facts here. Please no Spamming and only facting.  :D
    Also, keep numbering the facts according to its preceding posts.
    I'd start with it on.

    1) A dragonfly is also known as '' Devil's darning needle'', '' horse stinger'' and '' Devils steelyard ''.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    2. The length of the distance between the tip of a man's middle finger & the start of the fleshy part of the palm that connects to the thumb is the same length as a man's you know what, no kidding.
  3. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    3. The memory of a goldfish can last for weeks, and they are able to be trained to ring a bell just by bribing them with fish food. they are also happier when put in a Bowl for a goldfish put in a big tank will be likely to get bored
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    4.The Burramundy, a fish grows up as a male, but after 2 years or so, it turns into a female to breed... I acctually have a full 3 page description about this animal in my Biological sciences book.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    5. The name for "Mario" was inspired from the name of the landlord of Nintendo's former office building.
  6. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    6. Their are approximately about 10 million bricks in the Empire State Building.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    A giraffe's heart weighs 12 kilograms and there is a complex set of valves in their neck to slow the blood down when they graze, otherwise the pressure would blow their head off.
  8. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Boys have weeners, girls have coconuts
  9. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    You did'nt number it.;D

    9. If a single pair of flies were to breed and all the offspring survived, there would be 190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies in four months.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    10. The length of the distance between the start of your hand (at the base of your wrist) to your elbow is the same length as that of your foot
  11. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    11. The word 'Hentai' actually means Bizzare, weird, or Obscure in Japanese.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    12. RomUlation has 280263 members & almost a new member registers every few minutes, but sadly only under 30 people ever are actively participating on the forum.
  13. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    13. Roms and Emulators are illegal but are sought out by people worldwide
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    false, emulators are legal.
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Since loony proved entry thirteen wrong,

    13. In some Cultures, using your left hand is considered a Taboo. If you offer to shake someone's hand or offer food or drink with your left hand, then it means you are disrespecting them.
  16. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    14. chewing gum while peeling onions will stop you from crying
  17. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    15. Hitler only had one testicle.
  18. monter

    monter Guest

    16. Jesus is a pussy
  19. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    ABOMINATION (eh i dont care)

    17. Dalmatians are born without spots

    I got alot more facts but i can't double post.
    can you put two in one post?or 3? or 7?
  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    18.When you turn on a lightbulb, it consumes the same amount of energy as leaving it on for 20 minutes >.>