Well, somebody did it. The following link will bring you to a youtube video of the final scene in halo 3. Before you click or flame, please allow me a few words... 1. Click only if you really can't resist. Make sure you realize that you are about to witness the ending to a fantastic trilogy on a bad quality, shaky camera, youtube video. 2. Please don't make this a fanboy flame board. I do realize that some gamers are not into halo (or the 360 at all), and I'm perfectly fine with that. Personally, I think each system has great features, and there really is no winner in the console war, hell I don't think there should be a console war. So please, don't post about any consoles superiority. 3. Do Not Spoil the Ending on This Thread I haven't finished the video, I cannot bring myself too either, so please don't ruin it the ending me or anyone else. ............................................................... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOVcdXWRdZM&mode=related&search= .................................................... You can Digg if you would like..... http://digg.com/videos/gaming/The_Final_Scene_of_Halo_3
Wow, I thought it wasn't released yet I am not going to watch it though, I am not into Halo... but good job finding it anyways