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The dream thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by buchichu, Oct 14, 2010.


Of the 5 most common reoccurring dreams, which do you have most?

  1. You have a test/exam/project you are not prepared for

    0 vote(s)
  2. Your teeth are chipped or falling out

    0 vote(s)
  3. You show up somewhere naked/in your underwear

    0 vote(s)
  4. You're flying

    0 vote(s)
  5. You're falling

    0 vote(s)
  1. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    1. Talk about your reoccurring dreams, which in this poll you have most as well as the others and your personal variation of said dreams.

    2. What other reoccurring dreams you have

    3. Interesting dream stories, such as premonition dreams, waking dreams, sleep paralysis incidents, night terrors, lucid dreaming, making out with celebrities, etc.

    4. Yes, this thread and poll were indeed inspired by today's episode of Dr. Phil

    5. Yes, I've found the other dream threads but made a conscious decision to start a new one with a poll.
  2. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    1. Underwear. also, I always get woken up by the falling one

    2. Waking up and everyone has left and I dunno where they went

    3. i wish i could lucidly dream :/
  3. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I always always always have the teeth falling out one. maybe because I had braces or something ages ago or because my mom has terrible teeth I have a certain fixation, but I constantly dream my teeth are chipped and falling apart. I also dream far more often about school and tests/assignments than I'm happy about. they actually just tick me off because I feel like that part of my life is long over and I really don't need to be reliving it emotionally.
  4. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Can anyone explain having a dream me having my shoes on the wrong feet. I have had the dreams like falling, nude and being chased the usual
  5. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    falling, nude and being chased at the same time? lol

    the shoes dream is unusual...do you have a fear of shoes or something?
  6. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Haha no not all once, that would be the worst dream ever.
    That is what I dreamt of last night and that is all I remember, I want a dream book
  7. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    how come dreams about zombie invasions aren't on the poll? I have those kinds of dreams the most.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The most reoccuring nightmare I've ever had was one where my mom is driving up a huge hill in Peace River (the town is basically inside a valley) that has no guard rails, then we fall off the cliff. This is the nightmare that always happens, it's weird.

    Other than that, I mostly have sexual related dreams otherwise, I don't really remember them.
  9. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    as a raging alcoholic, blacking out every night prevents me from dreaming.
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I always dream of an ochestra of massacres which I happen to be running away from.
  11. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    Most of the time I either can't remember my dreams or just don't dream at all.

    But out of those 5 choices, I'd have to say the falling dream would be the one I dream the most.
  12. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    I normally have short dreams. It starts when I'm falling into the ocean and when I hit the ocean I immediately wake up. This happens a few times a month.
  13. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    not one of the top 5

    but I've had several of those myself
  14. bunnybag

    bunnybag Well-Known Member

    The dreams I get the most often are those where my teeth are falling out, and needing to go to the toilet.

    I always feel a rush of relief when I wake up, knowing that it's not real.
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    My dreams are all random, I don't ever have recurring dreams and never any of the 5 listed.
    I mostly dream about the days activities.
    I do get a lot of cases of sleep paralysis though, it used to scare me at first but now I get up and do something for a while(after I can move again) because if I try going back to sleep straight away it just happens again.
  16. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Ugh, the first one...

    I'm a rather busy student of our school...if not the most busy...
  17. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I dream about playing my games quite frequently, especially if there's one I'm quite involved in at the time. no word of a lie, I've actually dreamed up solutions to problems I'm having in a particular game before.

    my most recent was scribblenauts...how messed up must that have been?
  18. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    -sex dreams
    -when in finals its usually me going over material
    -me being some videogame character :p
  19. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    I can never remember my dreams at all; though I do get the sensation of falling just as I'm about to go to sleep quite often. That would count, right?
  20. Eadelas

    Eadelas Well-Known Member

    I usually remember my dream when it was about me just falling off a cliff or something. There's something about that falling dream that wakes me up instantly. There's an urban legend around here that if you fall in a dream and don't wake up the moment you fall.....you don't wake up at all.