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The Conduit

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by icefire34, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    What are your opinions of the game? I've learned lots about the game myself and i cant wait to get it. It has beautiful graphics, gameplay, and controls. It's a must-buy for me. What do you think? Do you think this game will be an awesome FPS or will you think otherwise?
  2. ultra

    ultra Guest

    based on what i've seen and read, it should be a good or decent game.

    the one aspect where i'm sure will disappoint is on the visuals. i believe people has an assumption that the game will look like 360/ps3 or something close, but it will not. it may end up being close to something like doom.

    people may also be disappointed at the sound. when i watch videos of the game, the sound of the machine gun sounds funny. this may irritate people because the idea of having a machine gun sound like a machine gun is important to them.

    then people are expecting online play. it is more then possible for online play that can be close to what the other consoles offer, but remember that those ideas are solely based on the developers ability to make them. guitar hero for wii will have downloadable content and that was something that the developers were able to do. so it's a matter of rather high voltage will be able to implement them or not.

    the one thing i'm more then certain is that the game will definitely run at 30fps as what the head executive has stated.

    where i have love for the game isn't that the game is a game but that the developer isn't worried about release dates and deadline. they are more concerned on making a working product, something you don't see know a days in the gaming world. remember those days when games were pushed back for more testing or enhancing the game?! this game is giving that feel again.

    then there is also the push beyond the limit ego, where the developers are trying to do something out of the ordinary on the nintendo system. high voltage is the only company that put effort on the wii then any other company as of know.

    where the game sells is on the customization of the controller. this is something that has not been done since medal of honor heroes 2.

    hopefully they do manage to get good results in the end. if they do, maybe we'll see more development process take place like the good old days.