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The complete & step-by-step idiot’s guide for updating Supercard DSONEi Firmware

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by dsldsi, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. dsldsi

    dsldsi Member

    The complete and step-by-step idiot’s guide for updating Supercard DSONEi Firmware Fix Version 1.1 For DSi Firmware 1.4E, 1.4J, 1.4U, 1.4A & 1.4X

    The guide with full pictures is available from

    The Supercard team has released an update which let you use the DSonei on a DSi with 1.4 firmware
    The fix uses the header of the game 'Star Wars: Lethal Alliance', so the icon on the DSi main menu also has changed. You can update the DSonei with the included USB firmware writer, which takes about 8 minutes.

    If you think that this guide is helpful for other users, please share it with your friends, family members and other users on various online forums. After all, all great things are to be shared!

    Important: please make sure that your DSi is fully charged or powered to the wall to ensure the update to go through without interuption.

    The complete and step-by-step idiot’s guide to update the firmware:

    * Download the firmware version 1.1 (English Version) from here .
    * Unzip the file and place the unzipped file updateen.bin under the root folder of the microSD.
    * Plug in the microSD into the DSONEi.
    * Plug in the DSONEi into the Firmware Writer.
    * Plug in the Firmware Writer into the USB port of your PC.

    * The LED light on the Firmware Writer will start flashing in RED, meaning that the update is in process. Do not unplug the firmware writer until the LED light stops flashing.

    * The update process takes about 8 minutes.
    * Once the LED light turns GREEN, it means that the update is completed. The Supercard Icon has been changed to that of Star Wars Lethal Alliance Ubisoft.

    * If the LED light turns RED (without flashing), it means the update is unsuccessful. Please repeat the whole process from step 1.
