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The Castle in ICO is NOT the Shrine of Worship from SotC

Discussion in 'Sony' started by Inunah, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    So, I've been looking at the comparisons between the Shrine of Worship and the castle in ICO (I've been hearing people say that they're the same place), and I've concluded that they are NOT the same place.

    ICO Castle and the Shrine of Worship are located in a seemingly similar place, with cliffs to one side and open space to the other, but if you look closely, you'll see that ICO Castle is surrounded by water. The Shrine of Worship is surrounded by desert and plains.

    The area both buildings are located in are OBVIOUSLY the forbidden lands of SotC, as the areas share common ground in that area. In both games, there is a strange little beach... But in SotC, it has no point, therefore you may not find it without knowing it's there. In SotC, this beach was located in the bottom left of the map, the south-western part of the forbidden land. We can assume that if there was a map of ICO's forbidden land, it would be the same spot. Now, take note of the way you get to ICO castle through the sole bridge. There WAS an extra entrance somewhere, as shown in ICO, but in SotC, the only entrance was through the bridge.

    In ICO, the bridge has a barrier of idol blocks only the magic sword or Yorda could have activated. In SotC, the bridge has nothing of the sort and you can simply walk in. Also, in ICO, the bridge was retractable.

    There's also the note that SotC has Dormin's hole through the ceiling and/or roof... In ICO, there is no such hole.

    As there isn't any location where you can see a castle surrounded by water in SotC, we'll have to assume it takes up a large portion of the parts of the map that we cannot explore... Meaning that ICO castle would have to be in the top right part of the map, or the northeast region of the forbidden land.

    Now, with SotC being a prequel to ICO, and the bridge to the Shrine of Worship having collapsed... Wander's/Ico's people would have had to move their way into the forbidden lands elsewhere. When horned children began showing up, the only thing they could see to do was to create another way to the forbidden lands... Hence the way to the castle in ICO.

    So, in conclusion... ICO castle is not the Shrine of Worship.
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Man you really thought a lot about a building in a video game.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You mentioned it's a prequel?

    Maybe time made some changes (yeah a dessert can become a sea).

    Or it could of been the same building designer, who knows.
  4. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I get deep into video games. I could even argue the fundamentals about how Hyrule changed shape between OoT and TP.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hardcore gamer or gaming nerd?

    Which suits you :)
  6. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Interesting...I'd like to test this but in what area...no matter.

    Have you tried gamespot/gamefaqs or the sony forums and see how they reacted?

    More players would be around I assume ;)
  8. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Meh.... I like it here.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    We all do but something tells me there is a lack of ico players...most come/came for the ds roms we once had.

    This is why I browse gamespot for stuff like this XD
  10. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and the game help is sparse too... I asked a question about the DDR game I got a few days ago and got no response and had to figure it out by trial and error. o.o

    But Gamespot's not so great either.... They've got tough moderation and all of their reviews aren't always unbiased. (by that I mean they give reviews based on some invisible rating system that doesn't work... Some games are listed at a lower rating than the general public rating)
  11. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    You know, I've never actually fully explored SotC's main map, and I've always been meaning to try Ico...

    Thanks for giving me something to check out!
  12. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    If you need an exact location of ICO Beach in SotC, here is a video. Apparently, that's south of the save shrine closest to Colossus 10's area, which is possibly called something similar to "Lair on the Mesa."

    Then there's a glitch you can check out by grabbing a hawk.. It takes you to some cliffs on the top-right of the map (you can't normally get there aside from with this glitch), which you can then jump off and use a parachute to glide over to what appears to be another structure/building with similar textures to that of the Shrine of Worship. You can't land on it though... I know there's a video of this on Youtube, but I've lost it and can't remember the url.

    And ICO's fun, but rare. When I was looking for it before, at one time it was around $40 and was only in 2 locations in the state.... If you ever find it, it's usually one of those rare opportunistic times.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    For all with a PS3, we'll be seeing an ICO/SotC double HD pack in 2011, so everybody will get a chance to play these games and tell once and for all if the two places are truly different.
  14. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    That, LittleBigPlanet, and The Last Guardian will be the only reasons as to why a PS3 should be bought. Unfortunately for me, my mother won't allow me to buy a PS3 because I only want a few games for it, even if I did have the money. D:
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The Uncharted series is another incredible reason to get a PS3. By far one of the most amazing game series ever.
  16. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Not interested in that game.
  17. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The only ones not interested are the ones who haven't played it. :3
  18. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I've watched enough videos to say that I won't like it even if I tried it. The story's bland/stupid/not likeable and the visuals give me eye rape.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    You are awful judge of good games then.

    You want bland story, look at SotC. One of the most bland stories ever, of what little one there is as you go around mindlessly slaughtering the Colossals (or w/e they're called). Uncharted 2 has an amazing story with some of the best visuals on the console. It plays like a movie, only you control the main character. Only load times at the beginning as it loads the entire amazing game. You HAVE to play the game. Judging it based solely on videos is plain dumb.

    I haven't even been able to play Uncharted 2 in HD and I don't regret the purchase one bit, and I am a picky picky gamer.
  20. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I've watched extensive videos of some of the Uncharted games, and I've concluded that no, I won't like it. I just don't like the story. It's too realistic. I've played a lot of realistic games, but I've always ended up hating them because they never had any fantasy elements. I can't even get into many books or movies unless they have less realism.