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the BOOM thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Myxa, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    nobody really thought of a new thread for awhile, but i think this one gonna be my last for awhile, anyway the game is simple just put in an explosion (either by saying BOOM, or have a pic or gif), in situations that you think they are funny to but in in some cases the gif only without words is enough.

    for example:

    word ex.: Luke...I am your FA-BOOOOM!

    gif (only) example: [​IMG]

  2. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Stool BOOOM!!! :eek:

  3. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    remember you could put some famous quotes from shows, movies, and etc. its funny if people know about.

    Geiko, 15 minutes or more could save you up to 15% or more on car insure-BOOM

    Hungry? grab a snick-BOOM

    (old reference) frankly dear, i don't give a da-BOOM (damn)

    (old refence) what'ch you talking about will-*BOOM*

    i find if the explosion cut off the sentence, it'll makes it more funny