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The best flashcard for a dsi xl

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by bigjen, Apr 16, 2011.

  1. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Ok i know this question is repeated so man times but i can't help it. I've got anxiety so i'm stressing heaps because of this anway

    I don't really need gba emulator. Don't know what snes emulator is.
    oh and the cyclo ievolution has come out so... (but it's just came out so there might be issues)

    Basically i want one that plays the most ds games &
    plays them smoothly (no freezing, stuff ups, slowing downs) &
    a flashcard that is not bad for the dsi xl eg like i have this idea that putting in this flashcard is going to be bad for the dsi xls health, like it's processing unless someone can definately reassure me with a source or whatever

    this link: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=122563 don't have to click cause i'll tell you.
    When you scoll all the way down to a youtube video there's a person going through an acekard twoi on their ds. As they go through the ds's menu browser and clicks on the acekard icon a flash of a green screen appears before the acekard menu appears. That happens more than once in that video. Now i don't think thats healthy for the ds (i don't know how to explain this health thingo but i hope you know what i mean).
    So thats a bit of a turn off for me,

    and then the dstwo - it drains quite a bit of battery (i hear) and it worrys me that this overloading features might cause some issues.

    The cost here in Australia for a dstwo is like $69 and acekard twoi is $43 from a site. A dsi xl is $250 - 300. So the health of my dsi xl is really important to me :(.

    Please help if you can. Peace.
  2. yomo222

    yomo222 Well-Known Member

    Well if you're short on money you should get the acekard 2i, but if you have the cash to spare get the dstwo cuz it's better and u can play GBA games on it. About the green screen with the acekard 2i I have seen nothing like it, and i own 2 of them.
  3. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Well im kinda stuck here (mind my grammer its my damn keyboard) cause im not quite short on money so i could maybe get the dstwo but i dont need GBA games and the dstwo only really has media & gba emulation (dont really know what snes emulation is so i dont know if i need that) and i think i can live with just the games since i could just store music on the other card slot on the side of the dsi xl.

    But if the dstwo has other great features too besides the ones mentioned above then maybe i will but it drains a lot of battery i hear unless if that just occurs while playing GBA.

    But not just the green screen what if the acekard twoi is secretly damaging like the interior (the system & the way it functions - basically the whole health of the ds). Your acekard might be ok but what if i get one that is little damaging - not as harsh as the Nfive flashcard (sorry i cant do numbers my keyboard"s stuffed).

    Thanks for replying btw! :D
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the N5 is the only flashcart that is known to cause any damage to consoles.

    Your 'what if' is not a valid postulation because it applies equally to all flashcarts.
  5. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    How could it actually cause damage?Does it overheat your DS or what?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it can cause a fuse inside the DS to blow, rendering it useless.
  7. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Well exactly what i was thinking well i was half thinking that. What if they are causing little damage as (i hold little difficulty to explain sometimes) flashcards functions in a different world to the dsi's system like they interupt eachother or something along that. I don't want to go against anybody but as i hold little information these curiosities arises concerns. This raises should i ignore the flashcard oppunity or risk harming? Or maybe the harm ranges among the individual flashcards like how one acekard 2i got the green screen introduction and another two didn't which raises could the slight changes in manufacturing cause harm
    I'm wondering whether this is proven for fact by like some technical people that flashcards, flashcard brand, or the flashcard individual itself (how they were manufactured) won't cause harm to the ds system.
    Then my curiosity leads to whether the dstwo's large capacity has impact on anything.

    Ah geez you can slap me for being annoying with questions but i need someone to answer these if there is.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    as far as the console is concerned the flashcart functions in an identical manner to a retail cart.

    Sales of the major flashcarts are well into the thousands with very few if any problems reported.

    The extra hardware in a DSTwo drains the battery quicker however it has no other effect on the console.
  9. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Thats really reassurring. So should i be worried if the flashcard i get is the one of the few that has problems from maybe manufacturing, not talking about getting a refund but once i try it the first time might cause problems for the console or you reckon i should ignore issues like an unnecessary green screen appearing as they don't impact the console at all?

    Thanks i just have to have deep hard thinking between a dstwo and acekard 2i.
  10. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i is great and it safe,I would just go ahead and get one of them because they are cheap and simple.
    It will be fine and it will save you a load of money in the long run,try and fined a different site that will ship to you and is cheaper.
  11. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Thanks so much ah that was really reassuring!
  12. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    I would went for acekard 2i if I were you , just make sure it is a genuine one .
    I got mine from slickgate , works on 3ds .
  13. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Thanks yeah I'm going too. I just have one more question. What is the difference between savings games in the acekard 2i and the dstwo? Like the dstwo has Real time save, etc. and the acekard has something else. It is just so that i know what im dealing with when i have the acekard.
  14. Kaptan

    Kaptan Well-Known Member

    As an Australian I would not buy an Acekard 2i or dstwo from a local supplier as they are a rip off.

    Try here instead. It will take from 1 - 2 weeks to get here by post but it is worth it when you think of the savings.

    Also I have never had any problems with Acekard and I have come across quite a few in my time.
  15. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    well real time sav is just where you can sav at any point in a game,like if your in a pokemon battle or something but with the normal save you can just sav when you can normally sav in a game,like you would have to go into the menu or after a chapter or where ever you can normally save in a game,even if I had a real time sav card I would just sav normally anyway so I personally don't like it,if you got the super card you can still sav normally anyway but trust me I would just get the acekard 2i but make shore you get a newer batch one (not really like you can choose mind) as it might not by updated to the latest dsi firmware which means you will need an older ds to run the update...just in case any of your friends got a ds/ds light?
    If should be fine anyway and the update isn't hard please don't be put off,I'm shore me and other people will help you out if you have any problems. :)
  16. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Mmm yeah i agree. Yeah i've got none near my area anyway so i have to get it from an online retailer thats in Australia cause i can only use direct debit since I'm not entitled yet for the other options. :(

    Oh yeah i would rather play a game that's meant to be as well despite it might be handy. When you mean the newest batch does that mean having the lastest compatibility? Like right now it would be a flashcard compatible with the •DS
    •DS Lite
    •DSi (With the latest 1.4.1 update and everything below)
    •Dsi XL (With the latest 1.4.1 update and everything below)
    •3DS (Up to 1.1.0 firmware)
    Oh ok so i don't need an older ds if the flashcard's got the latest update. Didn't know that. Well i could maybe borrow a girl's ds lite (sort of a friend) trouble is if she'll trust me :S

    Another question: If i updated my dsi xl couldn't i just update the acekard as well if it has one? (with a older ds if that's the case).
  17. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i see im kinda late here, but oh well. so you are getting an acekard 2i? thats awesome. new carts come with the update to work on all ds's, including 3ds. but if you need to update it yourself here is the file: http://www.acekard.com/download.php#ak2 to see which nds you can use you need to see what nds image comes out on the dsi menu to launch the game.
    -if it is alex raider then you can use dsi v1.4.1 and lower
    -if it is already dorasu then you can play on 3ds firmware, and dsi firmware 1.4.1 and lower
    it is better to update on the dslite though. since the acekard will work on it no matter what update it has, that way you are sure you can update it
  18. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    To update the acekard 2i you need it to run on a ds so if you have the 1.4.1 firmware on you dsi xl and the cards only updated for 1.4 then it won't run therefor you can't update it,it should be updated anyway just look on the website you buy it off if it says updated for 1.4.1 or not but if worst comes to worst then you can run a simple update but you will have to use you 'friends' ds or one that it will already run on.
    But yeah you wt need an older ds if the card has the latest update.
  19. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Oh thanks so much guys! So what do i need to do once i have the latest updated acekard? Or another forum that you can lead me to that will show this? (what i need to download, etc.)

    Question: Why do we need to update a dsi xl console? Is it bug fixes, etc.?

    I also got this information from a website http://www.ozmodchips.com/acekard-2i-p-193.html
    Quote: "Directly read TXT files and play MP3 files
    Please note that the DSI is a firmware upgradable product. Please do some reasearch before upgrading your firmware to make sure the firmware does not affect the flash card. Ozmodchips cannot be held responsible from compatibility with software upgrades."
    If it's referring "DSI - a firmware upgradable product - to the console then this statement is saying that upgrading the console might affect the flashcard.
    There are also people here in forums saying not to update the dsi console. Quote from another forum here:
    Person 1 (moderator): Just don't update the DSi, and it should be fine.
    person 2 (member): what happens if we did?
    person 1: Possible blocking.
    person 2: ok so if acekard updates it with a fireware will that stop it blocking it? :S
    person 1: Not necessarily, because they can block the whole system. Flashcarts like the DSONEi should be able to get around this.
    person 2: thanks. i knew i shouldnt up date it because i wanted to get in the app store!

    Wouldn't it be fine if I upgrade the flashcard before the console if the flashcard update says it's compatible with the dsi version?
  20. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    here is my topic for acekard. it is basically everything you need to know about it: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=52218.0