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THanks RomUlation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SpaceCowboy, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. SpaceCowboy

    SpaceCowboy New Member

    ;D Hey RomUlation Team

    Just wanted to say thanks for such a great website.I'm a dude currently staying in the the southeren Tip of Africa, a country called South Africa. I'm a huge gaming fan...especially my Final Fantasy series n Metal Gear series. I've managed to finish all the Final Fantasies from 1-6,7,8,10,X-2.1-6 are emulated version which I've collected over the past 3 years but could never get a hold of Final Fantasy 9.which i noticed you guys had,but then y'all servers go n crash on us,so PLEEEEAASE get it up!
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We're working on getting everything restored, but with more than 80 gb of content it takes a little time. :)

    Especially considering the guy on the fast connection is currently unavailable.
  3. Superior

    Superior Guest

    Hey, what happened to the roms?
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

  5. Xfusion

    Xfusion New Member

  6. Xfusion

    Xfusion New Member

    I was gonna pick "Superior" for my name :'(
    Oh well I guess I should be happy. ;D
    Yo wat up with the quote dude?
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We already explained where the roms went, so I didn't feel like repeating myself.

    And for future reference, please use the edit function instead of posting several times.
  8. Superior

    Superior Guest

    When do you think the roms will be ready?
    do you have an estimate?

    I hope you fix the problem soon. :(
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I do not have an estimate, I have a life to attend to too, and test these days, so no idea at all.
  10. pulsarshock

    pulsarshock New Member

    Thanks RomUlation 4 doing such a great job. Seph, u update the latest roms so fast. much appreciated!
  11. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Thanks Romulation ::)
    I love you guys...Almost as much as love myself
  12. Hi, again, and thank you, Romulation. I'm so glad you guys are back!