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Tha Weed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by doughboy, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Where do you stand on the legalization of Marijuana?
    Please do not post something like, "I like weed an therefore it should be legalized"
    So I am opposed to it.
    Let me clarify before I begin, I have in fact smoked weed back in high school. (1 or 2 times I believe)
    So don't think that I am leaning that way because of that.
    My reasons:
    It will be easier for kids to get it, you will have kids smoking it, which they can't handle (and they will do... allot).
    In many cases it limits peoples avility to do great in school, cause that is all they think about (im not saying it's cocaine).
    Learning capabilities would dimmish, due to lack of attention.
    Also in a way, enviormentaly, our air (parts in cities mainly) would be covered in smoke, second hand (weed) smoke...I don't want any defects on my offsping..not to mention all the high animals.
    Sure the financial benefits would be great for my country right now, but once it is being sold, I believe it would harm allot of people.
    I am not against people with real medical issues using it.
    If people can be safe with it, I guess it would be ok, but we are not. (safe = no minors)
    Also, in some cases it paves the way to stronger drugs.
  2. basho1213

    basho1213 Well-Known Member

    I think it should be legalized. Yeah kids will do it, but kids smoke, kids drink.
    Alcohol is far worse. And tobacco is bad aswell. But marijuana can be eaten in brownies and other foods.
    Eventually the hype surrounding it would die and sink into normality.
    I also believe this would save some of the 3rd world countries in africa as it would increase gdp and create jobs.
    Not to mention the money it would generate from taxes. There would be one less drug for people to have to kill people over
    and it would all but solve the over population of prisons.
  3. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    so your saying its good...because its edible?
    these kids you talk about which, drink and do drugs...they are the ones who are pregnant and in jail right.
    so we will all be high like in, Idiocracy? we will be overwhelmed by weed. (relaxation)
    all drug dealers (smart ones) will vote no, because they will get no profit out of it.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No (although his point in his previous point has no flow). It's safer than alcohol and tobacco since it barely has adverse effects in the long run, and marijuana will not kill you.

    I'm not in jail, nor am I pregnant atm. I also have never been in jail.

    What does this even mean?

    They'd move onto a different drug, or have marijuana laced with other drugs.

    Seriously, what kind of reply was that?

    As to your first reply:

    Kids still have access to alcohol and tobacco, even with the law. If you want it, you're able to get it through other means.

    Because alcohol does this already? It's also not addictive.

    Because alcohol doesn't do this already?

    Because once marijuana is legal, everyone on the planet will be smoking more than cows passing gas. I also imagine that the second hand smoking laws from cigarettes will pass on to marijuana too. And defects in your offspring? You're not a woman, Jesus.

    You give no explanation to this, all your reasonings are based off of what you perceive marijuana to be.

    Alcohol is a much better gateway drug then marijuana. Alcohol gives you the feeling that you can do anything, that you're invincible (which is why people do the most retarded shit when they're drunk), marijuana does not do this. Marijuana is a much mellower drug in terms of feeling and what you feel like doing (in which case, eat, sleep, talk about weird stuff). There's also no proof that weed is an effective gateway drug.

    Legalizing marijuana and taxing the crap out of it is a good thing. It makes money, and it can help fuel the food industry. And it's obvious that it won't be available to minors, there aren't many drugs that are.

    And the lesson here is, don't talk about shit you don't know about.
  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    guess im saying, he thinks theft, and other crimes, will die down once most people are doing it.
    im just saying, allot of kids don't have self control.
    well my cousin says all of the people he used to know who were at one point or still are drug-dealers will vote no so that theyre profit will not go down.
    Yes, they might move on, but I doubt all.
    Those who choose not to move on to other drugs, because they think it is more dangerous, will turn to theft, or something else to get their lost money.
    So crime will still be a problem.
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    He meant hype. If they do legalize marijuana, a lot of people would try it simply because it's legal, previous users will use it to celebrate I guess. This is what he meant, this hype would die down eventually.

    Weed is not a gateway drug, nor is it addictive. Your point in this post is derived from the opposite of this.
  7. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Ohhh i get it, but doubt it will die down quick.
    I know its not cocaine (addictive), but my friend uses it everyday, think that times 5,000 or more.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Why would you doubt that? I also did not say quickly, I said eventually. A lot of people would just try it, you know, just use it once and be done with it? After that it'd be used as a recreational drug, just like alcohol.

    That's your friend, not the entire marijuana smoker population.
  9. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Guess your right in a way, I also did it once or twice, but some people aren't like that...
    It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    first, i dont do Marihuana (just in special occasions :p)
    I am in favor of the legalization because:
    -Marihuana does not kill neurons, like alcohol
    -marihuana does not cause lung cancer, like cigarrettes do.
    -it would diminish drug cartels, therefore less drug related crimes.
    -doesnt stupify people, like alcohol (when have you heard a marihuana related car accident)
    -it has medicinal values
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It happens. The drug makes you sleepy at times and makes you more relaxed and a bit of paranoia. When you drive you NEED to know where everything is at, at all times. The relaxation part of marijuana is what makes it unsuitable for people to use it and drive.

    Seriously, I've known friends who've slept at the wheel when they've smoked some, they're fucking idiots.
  12. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    in sicology class we also saw that people do things because of the risks involved in it.
    in the US, about 80% of teenagers, less than 21 have tasted alcohol. this is because it is illegal to do it.
    by legalizing weed, it would decrease the usage of this, since it would be accepted socially, and therefore no risk involved in doing it. of course there will be people doing it and all, but usage will decrease. In Amsterdam. Marihuana usage decresed among citizens. Usage just escalated among tourists that go there and like it that is legal
  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    This has been discussed multiple times.

    I support it being legalized. The government would make millions if it were legal. :p
  14. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    I had to scroll down 10 minutes to get to the bottom of this page.

    Fucking junkies.
  15. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    :D fucking junkies...self control would be the word for these people.
    Most teenagers don't have this, thats the problem I see in it.
    (most teenagers are like, fuck, this, fuck that)
    I would say a big portion of kids would try it and continue doing it.
    off-topic a little:
    at my school 70% of the people going there do ecstasy as well, so marijuana does go onto stronger drugs, even though it is not as addictive as cocaine. (or addictive at all, relaxant)
  16. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    agreed, i also think that, even though marihuana is not addictive, it opens the door to other drugs
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Try and continue doing it? That's exactly what they're doing now.

    The only way marijuana leads to other drugs is through the drug dealers, having it legalized would circumvent this. I love your reasoning behind it, 'the kids at my school smoked weed then did ecstasy, IT IS A GATEWAY DRUG'. If that's the logical thinking you're using, 80% of the kids at my high school didn't move on to harder drugs, it's not that much of an effective gateway drug!!!

    Or it could be because almost everyone knew who grew it and he gave it to us mostly free.
  18. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I think that if it's illegal it's illegal for a reason so I don't think it should be legalized just out of not really knowing much about it.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    The stuff is on the same level as alchol, same effects, and no addictive substances in it, only weak willed people will get hooked.

    I however detest any drug (includes alchol, I"m sick of the drunken underaged smokers)
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    It is addictive, maybe not physically but mentally.
    My mother couldn't go a few hours without it at one point.
    Gladly(yes, I mean it) she had a health scare with her heart and has now quit marijuana and tobacco.
    Post Merge: [time]1285924038[/time]
    Is the word i'm looking for psychologically and not mentally? Or even something else?
    Im not sure, but it is definately addictive.