It's been done before, a few users post from ds/psp/ps3/wii (I thought I read someone doing this once before...) Brilliant isnt it?
Yep. On the DS it's too slow to be even slightly useful though. And in my experience it can NEVER get a connection (it kept giving me the 'cannot find remote server' error for EVERY website), so I don't understand how someone could even get as far as posting. But still, without a physical keyboard, it's all too impractical. Also, what's the point of flash on a PSP if you can't view youtube videos?
Internet on the DS works, extremely slow, but it does load many webpages successfully. Though definitely impractical and not worth it, as you said.
I have found the secret to eternal life Post Merge: [time]1296377614[/time] It's inside lady gaga's pants