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Terminator Salvation...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Anyone seen it?

    While some things were a little TOO good (many explosions from badly placed shots from terminators, to the ending it's self...) I found it okay...

    Infact, near the end, many scenes were PRACTICALLY a remix of the final scenes from the original (which was an awsome nod to it, and to Arnie :) )

    I just want to know 2 questions...and well as hear your feed back/questions about it/anything you find interesting, um avoid "IT WAS AWSOME" because I want to talk, not read statements...more interesting that way...

    Ok-my questions

    1.What was the name of the "hulk" machine, the one with a gun for a head, big as a building?

    2.I heard thier was 1, just 1, T-700 in the movie, I only saw what was the head in the assembly...any clue where it was (or a you tube of it would be nice-watch it later)?

    If you join in, I'll chat as well, I love robots, what can I say (transformers next-YAY!)
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    ...sorry..haven't watch it...
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...only one response, and you haven't seen it?

    (face palm)

    ...Just be sure...if you do see it

    1.Don't spoil it buy buying the prequel comic, as much better than the movie at times, it fetures a preview of the movie comic, spoiling half of it

    2.Don't you tube bits and pieces

    3.Avoid downloading it for free-I WANT THEM TO MAKE A BETTER SEQUAL DAM IT!

    4.Don't wiki-search it, spoils it once you read some of salvation...

    The less you know before the movie, the better :)
    Post Merge: [time]1244212670[/time]
    AHH sorry missed your post winterreise (never seen you around here-welcome :) )

    Yeah Mr Bale wasn't the best, appaently he made it difficult suring some shots...and he sooked about putting his voice on the terminator game (features a sound-alike I think)...

    Found out the name-should have remembered it...

    HARVESTER-used for, well self explanatory, cool machine but takes some of the coolness of the terminators...

    Wish it was James Cameron directing (did the first T based movies...and Aliens) as you would feel as if they were real...

    Even in stop animation as they used back then, sure it was cool using cgi but...I'm kinda getting bored with cgi, was hoping they would us more animatronics, prehaps a full scales realistic terminator, but alas...

    Still only top waist models...

    Oh well lots of explisions...mates loved it, but were confused by marcus (Mr Worthington was a great actor, shame he can't be brought back...)

    But it did bring up a good point-the terminator timeline is messed up since they brought the new models earlier, so...the next movies are gonna be unpredictable with the story (Kyle might not even be the dad in this time line, if they wanna confuse alot of people and lose fans)...

    I'm gonna pray that they bring Marcus back...you never know...
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i love terminator salvation, its totally out of my expectation.

    anyway i wonder if anyone notice that every terminator movie got a savior that alway end up saving the main character, and the savior always die at the end.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    At first it was the time travelling thing I guess, if Kyle reese survived the first (sure he was hurt badly...but he only died after falling down the stairs...) then what would happen if the 2 met?

    The second...well it was a nobel sacrifice...to prevent his chip from being used in some way...

    The third...it was just to blow the T-X away...

    As for this one...that was a bit sappy, and to many (excluding the army medics who seen it) find it hard to believe that a heart transplant to go so well...

    But Marcus would be running on synthetic blood I guess (which as some people I know guessed...it's compatibile with all)...

    Also, death of the hero makes them more heroic, it worked with the first 2, but...didn't work for the second, and the third was...sappy...

    I enjoyed salvation though wish I didn't know half the story (and realised the comic is a tad better in terms of story) :(
  6. HottSushiz

    HottSushiz Well-Known Member

    It was erm... OK, i prefer to of watched Night at the Museum 2, or even Mall Cop, but nooo everyone wanted to see Terminator.

    I don't really watch Terminator movies, and the series is just strange, although seeing Arnold in the movie was cool, he was like the big bad boss in the movie, but it was pretty dumb how they killed him, everyone is like "why didn't he do that before" and when it got to the middle of the movie, everything seemed predictable, and how does John Connor survive a metal thing piercing through his chest?

    My favorite segments in the movie was the part when Kyle repeated what Marcus said to the other survivors, saying something similar to this: "Don't point a gun at someone unless your willing to pull the trigger" I'm not sure if that part was intentionally to be funny, but everyone in the cinema laughed.:) and the part when Arnold came in, that was pure epic, the reason i didn't want to watch was because Arnold wasn't in there, it would of been more awesome if he spoke like. "I'll be back"
  7. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member


    I watched it last night. It was a pretty good movie. The action sequences were amazing. Edge of the seat stuff. I was impressed with the overall look and feel of the movie. The whole "desolate landscape" thing worked for me. Reminded me a lot of Fallout at times. The thing that made this movie bad was all the drama and talking segments. It just didn't fit in well. It was boring having to watch Christian Bale "act" and I totally agree with what Winterreise said. I don't mind him as an actor (he plays in a lot of my top movies) but this was a bit too soppy for him. I didn't think John Connor would be this emotional. But Sam Worthington and Anton Yelcin (great up and coming actor) did great. Also they only showed Arnie's face for like 5 seconds. You could tell it was a computerised version of his face from the original Terminator. Looked pretty fake. No wonder they burnt it off so quickly. Am really looking forward to the next one though.

    He wasn't going to survive the metal thing. The doctor said his heart couldn't take it. He was about to die but Markus sacrificed his heart so John can get a transplant.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    @hottshushiz-you love comody-why see terminator-just because 3 was funnier than the rest (the first 2 weren't so much, more serious) then why go-I'm the oppisite of you, the only thing worse is a chick flick (worse is going with 3 guys and one girl who forces the whole group to see it...luck I am the one holding the free tickets :) )

    @grimsim-if arnold didn't agree with it, they would have burnt it off sooner-I reckon it looked good but only because it didn't look so...old, like the real current arnie model XD

    To behonest, now that I look back onto it...Sam's role showed more emotion than of Christian Bale's role, which is funny to be since...

    While he was part human, terminators aren't meant to have any emotion (excluding the T-800 in number 2) XD

    I read the comic version...now to be honest, I liked the talking segments, i wanted to know more about the future, the comic actually fleshes out the story a bit more...

    Example-At the start where connor shot the head of the T-600 and later met up with it again (just the torso) in the comic it adds the line "YOU AGAIN!" which I thought suited what was going on...

    There were a few more lines which better illistrate my point, but I cbf getting the book right now...

    I'm hoping that the movies move down the line of the first 2 ,the "learning" of terminators and the whole fear of having one walking around like some-inhuman monstor, mowing down everything in it's path before anyone realises what it really was...it carries a horrific touch to it like my fav move type, horror...

    I didn't like the "action-gasm" this one had, but it was better than 3 (was leaning on it, but about the punch lines they threw in really put me off..."no I'm not S---ing you")...

    I liked sam's worthington's role, like the t-800 in the second, he showed plenty of emotion when the fights were down, which is what caught me, and even though I hated the happy ending I felt it to grip me during the heart transplant...

    I wonder, what type of terminator is he, as in model number, I'm aware he is the only true "cyborg" in the series...
  9. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Sam was an infiltration model. I think they did mention his number (the part where Helena Bonham Carter reveals his true purpose in the SkyNet labs) but can't be sure if they did or not.

    Terminator 3 I thought was awful. A terrible edition to the series. I agree with you mds64 when you say that the humanoid terminators make for a better, more horrific story; them walking around the streets. I much prefer the first two Terminators but the action sequences in this one totally blew me away and sold me. They were great entertainment.
  10. HottSushiz

    HottSushiz Well-Known Member

    No, what i meant is that he survived practically a whole day, from when he got the casualty, then from the area he was in, then into the helicopter, then into the doctor area? that's quite some time.

    I like Comedy because well when you watch Action movies, it's more of a thriller, or edge of seat thing, and it's not really as enjoyable as laughing a whole lot, and the reason i went, was well it was a free movie, except for the snackage, my friend bought me the ticket, that's his form of bribing me into actually watching the movie, man why is it that in the cinemas the snacks are so expensive, and i was to lazy to visit the closest dairy/supermarket/Warehouse.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I guess your right, I'm not the laughing type of guy sadly, I may laugh but deep down I'm faking it...

    As for cinema food, I just pack my bag with food/drinks, no one stops me these days...

    That is true how long he survived, he should have died in mear moments, it would have been at least 2 hours on and he was still going...

    Here's an interesting piece-in the T2 special edition dvd, it mentions that the T-1000 could have been more of a monstor (the concept art looks almost like a Bandersnatcher from RE:CV) but it of course we know the result...

    Here is something as well, yet another spoiler for the novel version...

    Marcus lives-yet he dies in the movie....

    It would be interesting to see if that get's tied into the next movie (fingers crosses)...
  12. HottSushiz

    HottSushiz Well-Known Member

    Uh wouldn't it look strange carrying a bag into a movie, unless your a female. xD

    When i watched the movie, i was sort of confused at the start, because i have only watched 2 Terminator movies, including this one, and my memory is even quite vague about the first Terminator, so would the movie be more enjoyable if i watched the other Terminator movies?
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Not really, you just need to know 2 things...

    1. Kyle reese is John connor's dad in the future and thus a grown up john will see see his dad while he is older than him

    2.the T-800 at the end (the arnie model)is the main one out of the older movies-this one just finds an origin point-though it seems it's be speed up in it's appearance

    3.None of the series links up since each one happens in year gaps (1st john wasn't born, second while it does link a bit the character's changed too much and john was least 13, while Sarah connor chronicles may not be cannon it ex-plains the gap when he is a teen (18), and 3 is when he is an young adult, this one appears more in control, more like a leader, and is probably at least 29...jsut a guess in age)

    3a. I carry a back pack dressed with a snow jacket...they never stop me, even if I'm not carring a bomb...

    Wait-ignore that-or ELSE!

    (XD it's true we aussie's have same rules as all the other places but the ticket people don't bother telling you off...if they do they might get bashed...usually young people working...imagine them telling some of these large body builder types with back packs...or the one's wearing hoods...they usually have a weapon of some sort around here...)
  14. HottSushiz

    HottSushiz Well-Known Member

    Well if was a Ticket Person, i wouldn't be telling some bulky man twice my size off, they seem to be quite intimidating, but to me it just seems strange, although the first thing that comes to my mine when i see someone with a back pack in the cinemas is, ARRRGGGGGG! *Raises Hook for Arm* xD. (varies between bag size) and i don't think Aussie rules, and Kiwi rules are that different.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...we aussie's are laid back, but even the most up tight ticket person would join the ranks of the lazy ticket kids if the back packer was a certain size...

    Anyway back to the subject...um...any suggestions...movie related?

    BTW I ain't that big...just my jacket doubles my size XD
  16. HottSushiz

    HottSushiz Well-Known Member

    Hmm oh i demand a Terminator Movie, where it fills in all the gaps, or explains all the movies, or even merges all the movies, so new comers in the movie/tv series don't pull a confuse face, while watching the movie. XD
  17. GlidingGoose

    GlidingGoose Well-Known Member

    1. how did he ride a machine bike? it wouldent have a place to sit. And how did he ride it properley!

    2. If robots are sooooo good and smart, why do they have a weak spot on their neck?

    3. When John connor is breaking into skylab, why is there a piece in the wal that he can open with his knife?

    4. And where are all the machines at the Skylab HQ? There are only a few machines marshalling the prisoners. Annnnnnnd There is an assembly line for the new terminators (I think T-8000) and where are all the completed ones? coz the line is going pretty fast!

    Oh actually it wasn't Arnie at the end, it was a look-a-like (i checked the credits)

    But...IT WAS AWESOME!!! 4/5
  18. HottSushiz

    HottSushiz Well-Known Member

    Aww too bad i only check the credits if I'm to lazy to get up and walk out of the Cinema

    1. I desire the answer too when i saw what he was doing I'm like "He's not able to ride that thing"

    2. Well there is no such thing as perfection.

    3. I can't remember that part.

    4. Well it only takes 1 Terminator, because all the survivors are unarmed.
  19. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    1. he still ride it didnt he?

    2. skynet is still learning and improving, why explain why all the terminator model have certain weakness.....

    3. its call a control panel......panel like that can normally be open with peel open if ther arent screwed in place, i mean if it is sealed into the wall, what if the panel malfunction? they would need to tear down the whole wall just to fix that panel.....

    4. IIRC marcus provided the safeest route for John, as for the lack of T800 on the scene, it could be
    a. T800 is still new, the factory is just starting to manufacture them....remember the terminator is a vey complicated product, it might require alot of time to put them together, as far as we see in the movie, the T800 in the factory isnt quite finish.....
    b. Skynet though one T800 is enough and ship the rest for war (which it quite true, T800 was winnning before Marcus join in).
    c. Skynet didnt take into count that Marcus would betray it since Marcus is half machine him self, too bad Marcus human side is stronger then his machine side.
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    1. it would be uncomfortable but it's possible

    2.It's simple mechanical evolution-everything has a starting point...

    3.What calvin_o said

    4. Those are T-700's, and my guess is that they would require an upload of the skynet comand data...you can't build one that quick!

    But...I'm surprised that they didn't al come online anyway, it would have been cool (but a bit...much) if all of them came online after the T-800 defeat, then the bomb goes off, and marcus and John escape just before the explosion....


    (remember, the T-700's are black in colour and slightly bigger than the silver T-800)

    ...and just a thought-why would arnie appear in this film-he is a govoner now, it's a bigger task, he just gave permission to use a face scan from the first terminator (hence why he looked younger...)