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Teenage Girl Throws Six Puppies into River

Discussion in 'General News' started by personuser, Sep 3, 2010.

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  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    from cbs news:

    NEW YORK (CBS) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has offered a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the people behind the video apparently showing a girl or young woman throwing live puppies into a river.

    "Animal abusers are cowards," PETA Manager Martin Mersereau said in an official statement. "They take their issues out on the most defenseless beings available to them."

    In the 43-second clip, a young woman or girl with blonde hair, wearing a red-hooded sweater is seen grabbing six puppies from a white bucket and hurling them into a river.

    At one point, someone can clearly be heard saying "whee!" while a black-and-white puppy is hurled into the water.

    The video was posted on YouTube, but has been taken down. The video surfaced online earlier this week, igniting an angry online crusade to identify the woman.

    "Find this dumb little b***h and throw her into a river," one person wrote on the notorious Internet message board 4chan.

    According to the Daily Telegraph, some comments claim the girl is from the Central Bosnian town of Bugojno, which has a population of 50,000. PETA's press release states that web users believe that the video may have been filmed near the Vrbas River, which runs through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    "The public has good reason to be concerned," Mersereau said. "According to law-enforcement agencies and leading mental-health professionals, perpetrators of violent acts against animals are often repeat offenders who pose a serious threat to all animals - including humans."

    4chan users are believed to have previously outed the British woman who was caught on tape apparently grabbing a cat by the scruff of its neck and dropping it in a garbage can before closing the lid and hurrying away down the street. Death threats against the alleged cat trasher were posted on 4chan and other online forums after the woman's name and address were apparently leaked online. She has since been given police protection.

    PETA urges anyone with information about this case to contact PETA's Cruelty Investigations Department at 757-622-PETA (7382), extension 8037, or [email protected].

    The video can be seen at: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bb4_1283184704
  2. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    4chan will find her.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    That's fucked up...I wanna beat that lady up really badly right now.

    You know. Pound her face in or something? Maybe not that badly, but just to knock a lot of sense into her.

    I hope so.
  4. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I hate these kinds of people. They got no life in them. And just for mere enjoyment, they take it out whom they think is weak. Seriously...taking it out on some defenseless animal? It's inhumane.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I seen this on youtube.

    Several things that could be...why...

    1.Easiest way to dispose of unwanted animals (might not wanted puppies)

    2.Might be dead (I was more focused on the throwing, but they hardly moved)

    3.As you would expect, something stupid filmed for attention

    For once 4chan, I hope you make this bitch hang.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    The puppies were whining...
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sound was disabled when I watched.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I hope that bitch gets found soon...
  9. deneel

    deneel Well-Known Member

    she is caught. i saw it on a dutch news site : http://www.nu.nl/buitenland/2326051/puppymeisje-aangehouden-in-bosnie.html (it's dutch) but anyways, when i first read about it i was like what the hell why would somebody do THAT, and why the camera man didn't do anything?
  10. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Article Goog Translated:

    "Puppy Girl" arrested in Bosnia
    Uitgegeven: Released: 3 september 2010 18:08 September 3, 2010 6:08 p.m.
    Laatst gewijzigd: Last edited: 3 september 2010 18:08 September 3, 2010 6:08 p.m.
    AMSTERDAM - Een meisje dat zich heeft laten filmen terwijl ze een aantal jonge hondjes in een snelstromende rivier gooide, is geïdentificeerd en in Bosnië aangehouden. LONDON - A girl has to be filmed while a number of puppies in a fast flowing river threw, was identified and arrested in Bosnia.

    Dat melden verschillende media vrijdag. Reported that several media Friday. Het filmpje circuleert sinds enkele dagen op internet en leidde tot veel verontwaardigde reacties. The video circulating on the Internet for several days and led to many indignant reactions. Anonieme gebruikers van het bekende internetforum 4chan - die eerder de identiteit achterhaalden van een vrouw die een kat in een vuilcontainer gooide - openden een klopjacht op het meisje, en de Amerikaanse regisseur Michael Bay (Transformers) loofde een beloning uit van 50.000 dollar voor wie het meisje zou aangeven. Anonymous users of the known Internet forum 4chan - previously the identity have discovered a woman with a cat in a rubbish skip threw - opened a manhunt on the girl, and the American director Michael Bay (Transformers) promised a reward of $ 50,000 for those who girl would indicate.

    Aan de hand van tips van plaatselijke dierenrechtenorganisaties heeft de politie in de Bosnische stad Bugojno het meisje opgespoord en aangehouden. Based on tips from local animal rights groups, police in the Bosnian town of Bugojno the girl identified and apprehended. Ook haar broer, die de camera zou hebben bediend, werd opgepakt. Her brother, who allegedly operated the camera, was arrested. Later deze week worden haar ouders verhoord. Later this week, her parents heard.

    Het tienermeisje kan - als ze schuldig wordt bevonden aan dierenmishandeling - een boete krijgen die kan oplopen tot vijfduizend euro. The teenage girl can - if she is found guilty of animal cruelty - a fine of up to five thousand dollars.

    Het gewraakte filmpje is hier te zien (schokkende beelden) The offending video was here to see (disturbing images)
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The camera man was obviously in on it.

    Post Merge: [time]1283532550[/time]
    If that's a google translation that's not very clear...I'd clean it as there is some english but too much work involved.
  12. dee292

    dee292 Well-Known Member

    they already got some information on her

    and i couldn't watch the video its so sad
  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    The rough translation is as follows.

  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Ah thats nothing, in China they throw baby girls in the river! (so I heard).
  15. solo-puppy

    solo-puppy Member

    noooo!! i would i have never seen that video and this tread sniff... i love my dog and i knew how cute he was. and now i'm seeing that this stupid girl is throwing puppies in the river!! i hope they will get her! in the video i heard them whining and i must cry T-T... why would she do this. im speechless...
  16. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    How sadistic. Back at my grandmothers house and business, they needed all the dogs they could find to be their watch dogs and alert them of any intrusion...
    If only it happened in our country, we would have taken those puppies.

    I hope she gets punished by the number of the puppies she threw, its a fact those puppies are dead. 1st for being thrown and landed on hard water, and 2nd for drowning due to the raging water, and 3rd, cold water....

    why are people doing this?
  17. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    People who are so cruel to animal, and whom take such pride in their cruelty, have no pity from me. If their punishment was for them to be put in a sealed sack, and thrown in a river themselves; that would be fine by me.
  18. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I never knew 4chan were such good manhunters :p
  19. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    If I may...
  20. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Back when that was what they did. Puppies were tossed.
    Anyone see the old Tom and Jerry toons. I mean in one episode some pups were tossed over a bridge.
    I done condone it, as back then there was no real animal shelters, nor sanctuarys. Now it's a wee bit different
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