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Discussion in 'Debates' started by unqiueninja, Jun 5, 2010.


Which type of ants do you find it irratating?

  1. Black Ants

    0 vote(s)
  2. Red Ants

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both type of ants

    0 vote(s)
  4. Neither the red or black ants

    0 vote(s)
  1. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Hey all, i was wondering what kind of ants you find irritating? ???

    Well, you may post stuff to defend your views or just state your opinions.

    I start first, i hate the black ants cause they are too fast and seems to like to take over your house and that is what is happening to my house :'(
    I love the red ants as not because they are slower than the black ants but they are more defensive and loyal as they never abandon their home and won't stray too far away from it. My house right now could be call a ants war zone as everyday the red and black ants would fight each other. 8)

    Just curious, please state your views thank you ;D

    This thread has been "transformed" to chat everything about ants or insects here ;D
    You can talk about the main topic here and that is ants or other types of insects that you know of.
    You can talk about their aggressive nature, intelligence, or any other stuff about INSECTS;D
  2. harmony18arias

    harmony18arias Active Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    I loved the red ants. There skin is hard, if you step on them they are still alive. they don't like to see any black ants to there place, if they do, they will kill them. If you put some insect to there place that can't fly they can easily kill it. Unlikes, the black ant
  3. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Yea,totally agree, the red ants are cooperative, loyal, smart... The black ants are stupid, escape if there is danger and die easily when squashed ;D
  4. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    We don't really have any particularly vicious ants here in Britain (compared to the Americas and some parts of Europe et cetera). A few mistakes, but a good feature nonetheless: http://www.ranker.com/list/10-things-about-ants-you-didn_t-know/analise.dubner
    I think that ants are very intelligent creatures that aren't appreciated enough for their talents (which, admittedly aren't as immediately recognisable as useful to us as bees or whatever).
    I like the Pixar ones, but they've only got two arms and two legs...
  5. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    The red ants would be always more vicious and intelligent than the black ants from the discovery channel that i watched ;D
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    i hate red ants, because they bite. black ant on the other hand are my friend, they never bite.

    i kill red ant on sight, i let black ants run around as they like as long as its not my food.
  7. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Yeah, the red ants bite ;D I just love their fantastic jaws, its really amazing. The black ants on the other hand don't bite, but they got fast legs and you can watch them run ;D But regarding food, the black ants sure is the first to find it cause they are master of scouting. Red ants on the other hand find food by attacking other living things that they get their jaws on. Pardon me for my long reply XD
  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    I've been invaded by small black ants we call them "sugar ants" I hate the damn things they get all over everything and gods forbid you leave any cold drinks or sweet tea sitting about open. Don't see many red ants around here which is good as it would be a pain trying to keep kids away from them if I do happen to see any.
  9. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Ants huh... I like both I guess... but not the big forest ants, they bite painfully, move damn fast and are really aggressive...
  10. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Yeah! the "sugar ants" sure is irritating. Well here's an interesting experiment i tried the other time, i put sweet stuff on the ground. After a while, the small red ants came but it just walk past the sweet stuff, on the other hand, the small black "sugar ants" also walk away but came back with a huge gang of ants :'(
    Post Merge: [time]1275959942[/time]
    Wow, the big forest ants are even more scarier than the ones that are found at home. Recently, my house "sugar ants" as what Apocalyptica have described have been cooperating with another type of black ants outside my house and they actually didn't kill each other and join forces to invade and attack the moment i leave edible things uncovered in my house =.=
  11. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    I love ants. They are very interesting and unique creatures. I especially like it when I pit black ants and red ants in an epic battle for domination of a single ant hill. I have two ant farms, one for black ants and another for red ants and this activity helps me control their multiplying population without ever resorting to pesticide or Raid (mum complained about ants in her cupboard one time).

    Ants that live in urban areas (and houses) usually group together and form a sort of alliance with other colonies. They do this to ensure the survival of their queen and their colony so they all work together (no fighting or coup d'etat). Urban ant colonies can grow to as large as 6-10 million members with 20-40000 queens.
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    My house isn't much of an ant war, rather then a Cockroach VS my slipper war.
  13. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    We call red ants fire ants down here, because when they bite, your feet are on fire!
  14. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    LOL,then its stanley vs cockroach

    Wow, that's a lot of minions and queens ants. Can i ask you where do i buy ant farm? I always wanted to find one in my country but it is too hard to find.

    Fire ants are a scary bunch, their bites are sort of poisonous and the way they execute their attack in groups is scary ;D
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Red ants and Fire ants are actually kinda different.

    We got Fire ants. They burn, and usually hang out in extremely scary clusters on those silver railings. If you put your hand anywhere near it, they come running and could bite your whole hand off.
  16. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    I have brown ants and black ants where I live.

    At least 3 different kinds of black ants. And 2 kinds of brown ants.

    They come in my house at times.
    I just kill them. No biggy, but when they go to my room...that's when we get the poison...
  17. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Its irritating isn't it? i tried to make my house as clean as possible and the results is i got more ants invading my house... I have tried to spray them with pesticide but it only work momentarily when i stuff the ant hole with cement, they find another hole to build their nest, in the end i catch spiders and make them build their web near the ants ;D
  18. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    Ants are nothing compared to Centipedes and Cockroaches.

    But the power of my slipper, blessed with the touch of Chuck Norris, beats them all.
  19. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!

    This talk about ants has make it all fired up! I am going to change this thread to discussion about ants ;D
  20. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: WAR!!! of the Ants!!


    ... totally uncalled for.