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Tales of Innocence boss help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Bachlong11, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Bachlong11

    Bachlong11 Member

    Uhh...I have a problem beating up this boss...He is a kid(pathetic I know...) but he keeps beating me up after i help Hermana get a mushroom. Any advise on how to beat him?
  2. dja

    dja Active Member

    you mean cerberus right..?
    what I did was kill the dogs first..,
    they are a major pain,but you have to be as far as you can from the kid while doing this,
    because his fast..,
    so I recommend this steps..,
    1.Kill the dogs,and stay away from the kid.,
    2.after each combo move back,and wait an opening,
    3.the same goes for the kid.(combo,move back quickly,wait and strike back)

    It took me a couple of retry's,
    but hey..it works..
  3. Marth16

    Marth16 Well-Known Member

  4. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Just go grind some more levels, do quest, get better equipments and lastly observe how the boss attacks ;D
  5. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    You can't do that because he is at the entrance of the tunnel.
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try level up a bit at the Save Point, make one person a healer(preferably Iria, set her strategy to Support, avoid enemy, restore your own HP, Use Apple Gels, etc to make her focus on healing), the other person should be either ranged(Ricardo) or melee(Spada). Kill the dogs first, by performing a timed combos (with your partner, set him/her to target the same enemy) to kill it quickly, and then move to Cerberus.

    Don't face him head on, try to evade his attacks first, wait for an opening and then counter him from behind, use any attacks that can lift him to the air, and then perform the combos.If you can keep his ass longer on the air, then his HP will depleted quickly, if not, just keep repeating the process.
  7. scottg1990

    scottg1990 Well-Known Member

    If u want to beat the boss so easily, level up until u learn the arte called void slash. wont take long to get. keep spamming that and its a easy win
  8. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    That's as good an answer as you'll get. And don't be afraid to use those life bottles, but don't use all of them up too fast too. Just try to separate the 3 of 'em by hitting one of the dogs and running away. Then spam combos on it as long as you can before the others interrupt you. Once you've killed one of the dogs, it shouldn't be too much trouble to kill the other. As for Cerberus(the kid), try not to get hit by his combo, kinda hurts.

    On a side note, if you're using Spada(like me =P) get Luca to hit him to start a combo, then use Spada's down+attack to hit him into the air and try to keep him up there. That way, you can rack up a nice combo without interruption as the others don't have too many air attacks. Good luck =P