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Taking up space?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ZeroSlayer01, Feb 7, 2010.

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  1. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Hello. I keep track, or try to, of how many gbs I have left in my computer. I still have plenty left, but I'm starting to get nervous, since I notice that my space is running out, however slowly, each few times that I save...so I have a few questins that I can't seem to figure out, nor did I see them in the FAQ section (I think, but I can check again if you say they're there).

    1. I'm under the impression that the more I save the game, the more space it takes up. Is this true?

    2. If it is true, just where is this space being stored? What files do I have to delete to get back that space in my computer? For example, does it store it on the .sav files, which according to file size, don't seem to get any bigger, on the actual game files...or on the emulater? When the time comes that I need more space, I'd like to know what to delete. We all should know that it costs points to download games, so I don't want to have to download the games themselves unnecessarily (unless they are taking up space) just so I can play another one.

    Now, I do have plenty of space, but one of these days if these are taking up space, I might not, so I'd like to know ahead of time if they really do increase in size when I save, and just what I need to delete, please and thank you ^^.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    No, once you run or save the game once, the save file is created. The save file won't increase in size, it creates the max size file initially and just fills it in as you progress and save. So if your game requires a 1MB save file, the emulator or flashcart will create a 1MB save file filled with all the save data, and then just blank data waiting to be filled with more.

    If you need space, you should delete the actual game, and keep the Save file. That way if you come back later, you just download the game again and use the same save file, keeping all your info intact.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok, here is my view on the matter.

    -Games make one save file and overwrite it when required, thus not making any more data, though some games might possibly make more data if seperate profiles are used.

    -Save data can go into my documents if it's a pc game, emulators go where you set them, and again those overwrite themselves

    -If your worried about space, check your main drive from time to time, and use the disc clean up option when in properties to clear unrequired files.

    -Be smart like me and get some external hard drives and place the crap you don't use often in that.

    I have 2 1TB externals, a 500gb for moving junk around, and of course many media sticks, sd cards, micro sd cards and my trust worthy 8gb usb keychain to arry programs I share with people.

    Mostly my music and games I no longer use on my pc that are stored (since I got an ipod I just sync with the drive from time to time-leaving the drive on all the time gives it a bit of wear and tear).

    And trithRR's advice is god to, if not for the legth of what I'm typing I would have just stopped posting XD
  4. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the help, both of you ^^. I really appreciate it. I guess I can stop worrying so much now :D.

    I do clean up my disc space quite often too :D.
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