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Take a STAND and Do the RIGHT thing for HUMANITY

Discussion in 'Rants' started by slinks71, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. slinks71

    slinks71 New Member

    Whether we are rich or poor, American or Australian, black or white, victim or perpetrator, judge or criminal, adult or child. It is time we as people with thoughts and feeling take a stand against the things that hurt others. Whether it be rudeness, violence, threats or even terrorism. Take a stand against making people feel sad, mad or bad. If we all make one person happy in the world today whether it is by saying hello, helping the elderly, not hurting somebody for personal gain, donating time, money or items to the poor and down-trodden, imagine how happy this beautiful world be. Imagine that feeling of knowing you have made a difference to someone's life. Happiness will breed happines alot quicker than hate will. So lets ALL stop the HATE and try and instil some HAPPINESS in our small part of the world today. :D :) :D
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    theres too many do-gooders already.
    what good are human rights if they are used to protect someone that raped and killed a child?
    why let hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers into a country that has no jobs and tax payers have to support them?
    i could go on and on and on but i wont, just look after yourself and your family, fuck everyone else.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I like being rude, I like telling people to fuck off. I can get away with my words because my community respects me and understands I am rarely serious. When I do shout I am heard. How arrogant are you to consider 'down trodden'?, are you some middle class cunt who had it all? I am happy if I make you sad and a predator I am not. You are not even in a world of living and loving people, if you could consider such a post.

    Best explain yourself.
  4. slinks71

    slinks71 New Member

    @ 1prinnydood No I'm not a "middle class cunt that had it all" and you are the last person I would explain myself too. Boy, you must be so proud of yourself telling people to fuck off and calling people arrogant and middle class cunt. And yes you are a predator as you just reflected in your sick post and your community is probably as sick as you are!! Do the world a favour and go and get some help or next time someone smashes you in the face for being arrogant know that I'll be standing somewhere in the world laughing.
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Damn man you must have found one hell of a stash of hash, I demand you send it over ASAP so I can be all happy and live in a dreamworld where everyone gets along and has a happy place, and then contradict myself later on that is so fucking cool!
  6. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    Well excuse me for my uh--rather hated post. I once thuought that everyone in this world should suffer. I wanted to build an army that consisted of people around the world--people from prisons around the world rather, all to destroy others who bring about pain, why? Because I got tired of people bringing me pain, it was all I ever endured. Some how I was able to wake from that dream, I wanted to slaughter so many people all because of their sins. Haha what a buffoon I thought my military power would be the strongest. Anyway parting ways from my story...I found out there will be always those who enjoy hurting others. It's that seed that curses men, people will always feel pain because people will always bring it. Nothing can be done--no organization no nothing. Not even destroying the selfless bastards because the people who had destroyed them would be them thereseves, get it? Its a never ending cycle, there will NEVER be always good in the world, if it were life would be too easy.
  7. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    No people do good things without something in return. Even charities run this way.
  8. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    Right but these organizations doesn't stop pain all together. That's what I mean. Even with just the few people we have that are "nice" it's still not enough to enjoy life to the fullest, because there will always be that 1 person.
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

  10. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly.
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    While I do respect your desire to dream big, what you want is unrealistic. No matter what you say or do, there will always be people who will harm others for the sake of their own gain or even just to make themselves feel better about themselves.

    I find I prefer it that way anyways. Life would be far too boring if we didn't have all the negatives to set off the positives.

    I also like being the arrogant asshole I have and always will be. I wouldn't have myself any other way and I can't imagine the people who know me would either.
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i was intrigued by the title and so too at the start but it got a bit all too mushy.

    i do think that we should become better, i think probably the best thing we can do is not spread happiness but stand up for each other like a bus full of people watching someone get beat up when it would only take a handful of people to overpower the attackers.

    shit like this happens all the time and there is no compassion for anyone else, no sense of community or human bond. even animals can do much greater things but we sit and watch like it's a tv program or something to gossip about.

    we don't need happiness or good will we need to stand up against that which causes the pain and simply say fuck off to it all and stand together.

    don't be happy be a hero

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM (amazing video that popped back in to my head as i was writing)
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I like you just the way you are. Dick.

  14. LJ44

    LJ44 Active Member

    It was once said that, "No man stands taller than when we stoops down to help the unfortunate." Dont be an asshole, and do your part for the greater good.
  15. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    What's the point of this?Humanity has zero hope now.A topic like this won't change anything....
  16. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    If there are random acts of violence, then likewise there can be random acts of kindness. All you can do, is apply what you said to yourself, and if your example leads others then so be it. But you cannot force people to be polite, you have to just make sure your own life is a testament to trying to do what is right.

    LJ said it quite good, when a man stoops down to help the handicapped he could be no taller than if he were a giant stature and height wise. I basically just quoted MSG about looking out for yourself and your family. There really isn't anything else to be added, but this: if you enjoy challenges in life, fight the good fight. You will always encounter challenges to overcome. Like Micheal Buffer says, "Let's get ready to RUMBLEEEEE!"
  17. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    There is no good without evil no peace without war and no happines without sadness we should acept that and leave people for what they are.
  18. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    At the same time your comment CERTAINLY won't change anything.

    Give the OP a break here guys ::)
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This is all we need.

    People to just defend other's.

    Many a time, someone around Melbourne would get mugged while other's stand around, watching...no one goes in to help the poor person...

    The one or 2 that do try to help end up getting killed.

    If I saw someone being hit and not able to defend themselves I'd at least make an effort to call the police...

    If I'm with my mates...let's say the lone mugger would be dropped :p
  20. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    This ain't a video game. You can't be some hero and save the world like you wish to. People in video games have better personality then people in real life ::)