Think about it, swine flu is a mixture of the original swine flue, avian flu, and the common influenza. Also, this all happened at the start of "Summer" when people start taking vacations, and places become tourist spots, and congested, which would strongly increase the levels of those infected. If this turns out to be the "big one" (Which I hardly believe) It couldn't of been natural. The original swine flu (early 1900's) didn't cause the deaths, the vaccines that prevented them caused the actual death. That means that the last outbreak was caused by man's accident. But how about this one? Will history repeat itself? Or will it be a false alarm? Reasons why I don't think it's natural: 1.How would a pig catch Bird flu, influenza, and swine flu all at the same time? People already know of the pig's mixing vessels, so wouldn't they be a primary candidate for making such an illness? 2.The season is pretty much a coincidence. The Early beginning of summer. 3.It was spread in mass panic by the media. Someone informed them, it wasn't WHO, it was someone else. (WHO strongly advised against this announcement, but it was released anyways. What's done is done right?) So, any thoughts on this?
The H1N1 virus kills via cytokine storm (Immune system overreacts), while the new virus killed through pneumonia. How would a lung disease be connected to an immune system override?
No I think it still kills by overreaction, the body overproduce the "globules blancs" (forgot the english word) which cause other symptoms
There has to be a connection otherwise scientists wouldn't have designated it a strain of H1N1. It is entirely possible that it has evolved to use a different attack vector.
If it is man made then its a bit rubbish as Tamiflu and Relenza are effective against it. Seasonal flu kills 250,000-500,000 people every year, this new varient of type A flu is nothing to be concerned about. Good article from Simon Jenkins
Yes, I've heard that Tamiflu and Relenza are effective against it, and I've heard from somewhere that most of the victims either already had something in their immune systems, as well as their living conditions being somewhat...(Forgot the word) So, at least I'm not the only conspirist thinker here on RomU (GO CAHOS!)
I bet Swine Flu has a built-in natural self-destruct feature, and it's a good thing that I'm not a traveller!
I better wear a mask into the city next time I go out then... It's a scary thought though, if this was truly man made... Do these people know the consequences, not just to thier enemies, but to themselves? One of the infected could fly to where they are and un-intentionally pass it back to them... Then could just be another cruel push by nature to see who's fit to rule the earth...and yes I am comparing us to dinosaurs, but that is a different matter...
I Didn't know nature could call forth a metorite to destroy some species of dinosaurs and let others live =o
How else would you explain that-even space is a natural thing? Anything that isn't man made to me is natural, which I consider as "nature", metorite's fall every now and then, back then they...just got a really big one... The ones that survived were lucky, or just survived total devastation... These viruses...who knows, sure not imedietly as deadly, but will end up the same fate if left un-checked... That is just my thought though, unless space is considered something else then I consider it a natural thing...
It wasn't the meteorite strike that directly killed the dinosaurs (though a few possibly died). The impact created a huge cloud of dust that hung in the air and spread on the wind, blocking the sun's warmth and light from the earth, a so called 'cosmic winter'. Those that were unable to adapt rapidly froze to death.
There are human elements to this. Contamination and breeding of the virus is easy if the conditions allow. The thing is: viruses are always going to get STRONGER over time. It's an evolutionary process to say the least. Stronger vaccines= stronger viruses. I wouldn't go as far as to say this was deliberate, but I'll just wait and see...
It's a little absurd to think it came from some "Umbrella Corp" like evil business. Now, I'm pretty sure that the disease ridden cesspool that's called Mexico, provided the necessary conditions for a bird/swine/human mutation.
yeah they did they just quarrantined the whole population to stay home for the next week so we could say that Mexico is completely frozen