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Survival of the Systems

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Seph, Dec 7, 2006.

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  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I've been thinking about making the site more of a niche site than a multi-system site.

    Looking through the systems I see that very few systems are actually being used, primarily NDS, GBA, NES, SNES and N64. Therefore I'm considering removing some of the systems and then writing a system that's more specialised in the few remaining systems.

    This is your chance to affect which systems will remain on the site.

    So which systems do you think we should offer here at romulation?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Keep the Atari and Sega systems,as well as the ones you mentioned
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member

    psx to
  4. invinciicloud

    invinciicloud Member

    I vote for NDS and GBA roms. These two systems are still active with game releases, so it'd be a wise choice to keep these two. ;D
  5. tanooki

    tanooki New Member

    I think you should keep NDS and GBA without a doubt due to the fact theres still releases for these systems
    PSX and N64 would be a good keep too due to it being a pain to find roms for those systems most of the time
    Snes and nes are on many large rom sites that don't get updated often, but is fine since there are no new releases
    So, I think this site should focus on the active and hard to get roms. Unless you want to make it into one of those one stop sites with everything.
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Atari is going for sur e5 downloads is the max for one game...
  7. LadyCrystal

    LadyCrystal Active Member

    Keep PSX this is why I came to this site, it's the only one I can find good roms for it!!
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    GBA <- Keeper (Obviously)
    NDS <- Keeper (Obviously)
    PSX <- Keeper (Obviously)
    N64 <- Keeper
    PSP <- Soon to come (So keeper obviously)
  9. raual36

    raual36 New Member

    GBA and NDS. That is all.
  10. rath

    rath Member

  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    What's your reasoning for wanting to keep SNES?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because it rocks :p
  13. robincb

    robincb Member

  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I need a reason to keep SNES, nobody is downloading any SNES roms.
  15. LadyCrystal

    LadyCrystal Active Member

    Snes is too popular, realy every rom site has snes games... We don't realy need it. But not many sites have PSX like we do~
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    SNES really isn't that popular according to my stats, the most downloaded rom is Time of Illusion with 32 downloads. In contrast the most downloaded GBA rom has 12,465 runner up has 10,451 downloads and the most downloaded NDS rom has 3,605 downloads.
  17. RedMageMoogle

    RedMageMoogle Member

    PSX, N64, GBA, NDS must stay.

    There is no other option.
  18. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    I just started using the Neo Geo roms. They work for my GP2X Neo Geo emulator. I have had a hard time finding good roms that work with it. Please keep them there. Well at least until I get them all downloaded. I would have to say that the Turbo grafx, Genesis, and Neo Geo would be my top three favorite systems.

    Sorry to hear that you are thinking of reducing the site.
    Being relevantly new to the site, I have not had time to venture into doing a lot of downloading of roms. (I am cursed with dial-up. When downloading a Neo Geo rom I usually click and go to bed. It downloads during the night.) I really like the variety that you have here and find it appealing. I like Nintendo, but I am not a "Nintendo only" gamer. I guess you would not consider sticking people like me into a link somewhere that went to a different page?
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I'll talk to seph, but depending on the exact reason why he is downsizing, there may be options for retro gamers. I'll see what we can come up with :)
  20. SonGoku1905

    SonGoku1905 Well-Known Member

    Snes games should stay imo because the best rpg's ever created are on it. And also GBA roms are vital.
    NDS roms are at the moment useless for me cause emulators can't run them at a playable level.
    I believe the lack of Snes Dl's are due to ppl 's heavy interest to GBA roms because they are hard to find considered to others.
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