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Survey - School project

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Binayo, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Binayo

    Binayo New Member


    As a school project I need to do research if it's possible for Mitsubishi Electronics to bring a gaming headset on the market. I know, it sounds impossible and I doubt that anyone would be willing to buy it ::)
    Anyway, for this project I needed to make a survey and distribute it.

    This survey is anonymous and I won't mention peoples (nick)names.

    Filling out the survey takes only a few minutes and it really helps me, getting a good grade! :D

    Thank you in advance!

    Ps: Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes in my introduction or survey. I'm from Holland and English isn't one of my best subjects :-[

    Survey Gaming Headsets

    1. Do you play games?

    [] Yes
    [] No

    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Shooter [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Action [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Racing [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Simulation [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Sports [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Puzzle [hours] [Not relevant]
    - MMO-RPG [hours] [Not relevant]
    - Other, namely... [Hours] [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    [] Sony Playstation 3
    [] Microsoft Xbox360
    [] Nintendo Wii
    [] I've only older consoles

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?

    [] Yes, Go to Question 5
    [] No. Go to question 8

    5. Which brand is your gaming headset?

    [] Logitec
    [] Microsoft
    [] Sony
    [] Creative
    [] Trust
    [] Sennheiser
    [] Other, namely…

    6. What did your gaming headset cost (in euro’s)?

    [] Free (gift with a console and / or game)
    [] 0 to 20 Euro
    [] 21 to 40 Euro
    [] 41 to 60 Euro
    [] 61 to 80 Euro
    [] 81 to 100 Euros
    [] More than 100 Euro

    7. In which situation do you use the headset the most?

    [] Chat
    [] Co-op (with another person)
    [] Versus (against each other)

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?

    [] Yes
    [] No
    [] Maybe
    possible explanations:

    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    [] Wireless
    [] On / Off button
    [] Volume Control
    [] In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?

    [] Male
    [] Female (Thank you mds64 for pointing it out ;D)

    11. What is your age?

    [] Less than 15 years
    [] 16 to 25
    [] 26 to 30
    [] 31 to 35
    [] 36 or older

    12. What is your average income?

    [] Less than 100 euros per month
    [] 101 to 500 euros per month
    [] 501 to 1000 euro per month
    [] 1001 to 1500 euro per month
    [] 1501 to 2000 euro per month
    [] More than 2001 per month
    [] Don’t want to say

    Thank you for your cooperation.
  2. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    1. Do you play games?


    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [1 hour]
    - Shooter [2 hours]
    - Action [2 hours]
    - Racing [Not relevant]
    - Simulation [3 hours]
    - Sports [1 hour]
    - Puzzle [1 hour]
    - MMO-RPG [7 hours]
    - Other, namely... [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    Nintendo Wii

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?
    No. Go to question 8

    5. Which brand is your gaming headset?

    [] Logitec
    [] Microsoft
    [] Sony
    [] Creative
    [] Trust
    [] Sennheiser
    [] Other, namely…

    6. What did your gaming headset cost (in euro’s)?

    [] Free (gift with a console and / or game)
    [] 0 to 20 Euro
    [] 21 to 40 Euro
    [] 41 to 60 Euro
    [] 61 to 80 Euro
    [] 81 to 100 Euros
    [] More than 100 Euro

    7. In which situation do you use the headset the most?

    [] Chat
    [] Co-op (with another person)
    [] Versus (against each other)

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?


    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    4 Wireless
    3 On / Off button
    1 Volume Control
    2 In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?


    11. What is your age?

    Less than 15 years

    12. What is your average income?

    [x] Don’t want to say

    Glad I can help, tell me If I messed up.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    1. Do you play games?


    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [hours] 1
    - Shooter [hours]5
    - Action [hours] 9
    - Racing [hours] 6
    - Simulation [hours] 0
    - Sports [hours] 0
    - Puzzle [hours] 2
    - MMO-RPG [hours] 0
    - Other, namely... [Hours] 0

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    Nintendo Wii

    (I have all older consoles-wii is newest)

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?


    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?


    possible explanations:

    Unless it's cheaper than $100AUD I see no point, I play for the gameplay, not visuals.

    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    On / Off button-1
    Volume Control-1
    In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)-5

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?

    (You left out the females choice-please edit-there are a few games here XD)

    11. What is your age?

    16 to 25

    12. What is your average income?

    101 to 500 euros per month
    (Pay is low in my job-this is weekly by the way)

    I hoped I helped :)
  4. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    1. Yes

    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [6+]
    - Shooter [1-2]
    - Action [Not relevant]
    - Racing [Not relevant]
    - Simulation [3-5]
    - Sports [Not relevant]
    - Puzzle [Not relevant]
    - MMO-RPG [Not relevant]
    - Other, namely... [Not relevant]

    3. Nintendo Wii

    4. No. Go to question 8

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?


    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    5 Wireless
    5 On / Off button
    5 Volume Control
    1 In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    10. Are you male or female?


    11. What is your age?


    12. What is your average income?

    Pretty close to zero ::)
  5. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    1. Do you play games?

    [x] Yes

    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [hours] 6
    - Shooter [hours] 0
    - Action [hours] 3
    - Racing [hours] 0
    - Simulation [hours] 5
    - Sports [hours] 0
    - Puzzle [hours] 4
    - MMO-RPG [hours] 8
    - Other, namely... [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    I've only older consoles

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?

    [] No. Go to question 8

    5. Which brand is your gaming headset?

    [] Logitec
    [] Microsoft
    [] Sony
    [] Creative
    [] Trust
    [] Sennheiser
    [] Other, namely…

    6. What did your gaming headset cost (in euro’s)?

    [] Free (gift with a console and / or game)
    [] 0 to 20 Euro
    [] 21 to 40 Euro
    [] 41 to 60 Euro
    [] 61 to 80 Euro
    [] 81 to 100 Euros
    [] More than 100 Euro

    7. In which situation do you use the headset the most?

    [] Chat
    [] Co-op (with another person)
    [] Versus (against each other)

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?

    [x] Maybe
    possible explanations:

    depends if i really need to use it.

    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    [3] Wireless
    [4] On / Off button
    [2] Volume Control
    [1] In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?

    [x] Female

    11. What is your age?

    [x] 16 to 25

    12. What is your average income?

    0 8)

    Hope I help ya
  6. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Survey Gaming Headsets

    1. Do you play games?

    [✓] Yes
    [] No

    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [6 hours]
    - Shooter [1 hours]
    - Action [2 hours]
    - Racing [Not relevant]
    - Simulation [Not relevant]
    - Sports [Not relevant]
    - Puzzle [6 hours]
    - MMO-RPG [Not relevant]
    - Other, namely... [Hours] [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    [] Sony Playstation 3
    [] Microsoft Xbox360
    [] Nintendo Wii
    [✓] I've only older consoles

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?

    [] Yes, Go to Question 5
    [✓] No. Go to question 8


    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    [3] Wireless
    [4] On / Off button
    [1] Volume Control
    [2] In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?

    [✓] Male
    [] Female (Thank you mds64 for pointing it out )

    11. What is your age?

    [] Less than 15 years
    [✓] 16 to 25
    [] 26 to 30
    [] 31 to 35
    [] 36 or older

    12. What is your average income?

    [✓] Less than 100 euros per month
    [] 101 to 500 euros per month
    [] 501 to 1000 euro per month
    [] 1001 to 1500 euro per month
    [] 1501 to 2000 euro per month
    [] More than 2001 per month
    [] Don’t want to say

    Hope it helps... :)
  7. chaosmassacre

    chaosmassacre Member

    1. Do you play games?

    [X] Yes
    [] No

    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [3 Hours]
    - Shooter [Not relevant]
    - Action [Not relevant]
    - Racing [4 hours]
    - Simulation [10-15]
    - Sports [Not relevant]
    - Puzzle [1 hours]
    - MMO-RPG [Not relevant]
    - Other, namely... [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    [X] Sony Playstation 3
    [] Microsoft Xbox360
    [] Nintendo Wii
    [] I've only older consoles

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?

    [] Yes, Go to Question 5
    [X] No. Go to question 8

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?

    [] Yes
    [] No
    [] Maybe
    possible explanations: Sure, if I needed a gaming headset.

    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    [5] Wireless
    [4] On / Off button
    [5] Volume Control
    [4] In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?

    [] Male
    [X] Female (Thank you mds64 for pointing it out ;D)

    11. What is your age?

    [] Less than 15 years
    [X] 16 to 25
    [] 26 to 30
    [] 31 to 35
    [] 36 or older

    12. What is your average income?

    [X] Less than 100 euros per month
    [] 101 to 500 euros per month
    [] 501 to 1000 euro per month
    [] 1001 to 1500 euro per month
    [] 1501 to 2000 euro per month
    [] More than 2001 per month
    [] Don’t want to say
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    can i just say from the get go that this survey fails for the main reason that you list consoles but really if your going to market a "gaming" head set, you should be looking at the PC market and not consoles as they don't really have a market.

    but any way

    1. Do you play games?

    [x] Yes
    [] No

    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [0] [Not relevant]
    - Shooter [5] [Not relevant]
    - Action [5] [Not relevant]
    - Racing [now and again] [Not relevant]
    - Simulation [0] [Not relevant]
    - Sports [0] [Not relevant]
    - Puzzle [now and again] [Not relevant]
    - MMO-RPG [5] [Not relevant]
    - Other, namely... [Hours] [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?

    [] Sony Playstation 3
    [x] Microsoft Xbox360
    [x] Nintendo Wii
    [] I've only older consoles

    4. Do you own a gaming headset?

    [x] Yes, Go to Question 5
    [] No. Go to question 8

    5. Which brand is your gaming headset?

    [] Logitec
    [] Microsoft
    [] Sony
    [] Creative
    [] Trust
    [] Sennheiser
    [x] Other, namely… Saitek

    6. What did your gaming headset cost (in euro’s)?

    [] Free (gift with a console and / or game)
    [] 0 to 20 Euro
    [x] 21 to 40 Euro
    [] 41 to 60 Euro
    [] 61 to 80 Euro
    [] 81 to 100 Euros
    [] More than 100 Euro

    7. In which situation do you use the headset the most?

    [x] Chat
    [x] Co-op (with another person)
    [] Versus (against each other)

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?

    [] Yes
    [] No
    [x] Maybe
    possible explanations:

    never heard of them and i buy trading off between reviews and price so it would need to be a reasonable price and have good reviews.

    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    [5] Wireless (never good enough)
    [5] On / Off button (why would you want that)
    [1] Volume Control
    [5] In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck) (why would you want that)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?

    [x] Male
    [] Female (Thank you mds64 for pointing it out ;D)

    11. What is your age?

    [] Less than 15 years
    [x] 16 to 25
    [] 26 to 30
    [] 31 to 35
    [] 36 or older

    12. What is your average income?

    [] Less than 100 euros per month
    [] 101 to 500 euros per month
    [x] 501 to 1000 euro per month
    [] 1001 to 1500 euro per month
    [] 1501 to 2000 euro per month
    [] More than 2001 per month
    [] Don’t want to say
  9. IceColdKiller

    IceColdKiller Well-Known Member

    1. Do you play games?


    2. How often a week do you play the following genres.
    - RPG [hours] 0
    - Shooter [hours] 24
    - Action [hours]
    - Racing [hours] 0
    - Simulation [hours] 0
    - Sports [hours] 0
    - Puzzle [hours] 0
    - MMO-RPG [hours] 0
    - Other, namely... [Not relevant]

    3. Which next-gen console do you own?


    4. Do you own a gaming headset?

    [] No. Go to question 8

    5. Which brand is your gaming headset?

    [] Logitec
    [] Microsoft
    [] Sony
    [] Creative
    [] Trust
    [] Sennheiser
    [] Other, namely…

    6. What did your gaming headset cost (in euro’s)?

    [] Free (gift with a console and / or game)
    [] 0 to 20 Euro
    [] 21 to 40 Euro
    [] 41 to 60 Euro
    [] 61 to 80 Euro
    [] 81 to 100 Euros
    [] More than 100 Euro

    7. In which situation do you use the headset the most?

    [] Chat
    [] Co-op (with another person)
    [] Versus (against each other)

    8. If Mitsubishi Electronics did bring a headset on the market, would you be willing to buy it?


    9. Which feature do you find important for gaming headsets? Use 1 as highest, lowest and 5 etc.

    [3] Wireless
    [4] On / Off button
    [2] Volume Control
    [1] In-ear (instead of over your head or your neck)

    Finally some personal questions:

    10. Are you male or female?


    11. What is your age?

    1 to ???

    12. What is your average income?
